It’s hard to believe that a one-sided attack documentary about the founder of Fox News, Roger Ailes, earned less than $13,000 at the box office and on video-on-demand, as the reports. One would expect every Democrat in the country to joyfully bask in its vicious assault on Ailes, Fox, and its viewers.
The film, “Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes,” was released to just 13 theaters. The average gross was at $900. It also was simultaneously released on video-on-demand.
It made the most money in socialist New York, taking in $2,990 in one location in Manhattan. In Baltimore, it made $236 on the 26 people who showed up to two locations.
Ailes died in May 2017, just 10 months after his departure from Fox News amid sexual harassment allegations. Fox owed its existence and success to Roger Ailes.
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The immediate cause for his downfall was Gretchen Carlson who made $20 million on rather flimsy complaints. Others like Megyn Kelly exploited the situation, claiming he made inappropriate comments.
Ailes launched Fox News in 1996 and it quickly rose to the top and has remained there since. People on the right have no other place to go and the left despises it. Everyone has to jump onto their groupthink train or get insulted.
This docu-hit-piece is one of three films about the deceased founder of Fox News. One is unnamed and another is a series called, “The Loudest Voice in the Room”.
The reviews about the documentary all took the opportunity to bash Ailes, a conservative.
The Washington Post wrote that he was a hemophiliac and that was partly why he was “a deeply fearful and distrustful person”.
Variety was ridiculously aggressive and vile in ripping apart Ailes, Fox News, and all the people who have been influenced by either.
The review said Ailes was a “serial sexual harasser brought low by his ruthless appetites.” They think he invented “shameless” lying in the political arena and is responsible for all such lies by anyone.
To quote them, “Ailes was the visionary of attack dogs, the grand master of political snake oil. It was he who dragged the playbook of fascist propaganda, for the first time, into the white-hot glare of televised democracy.”
They hated Richard Nixon too
They claim that Ailes changed the political landscape in a distressing way when he became Richard Nixon’s media adviser.
In fact, it was JFK who created the fake TV image but they don’t mention that.
Variety called Ailes a life-long liar who “would shape and manipulate Nixon’s public image right into the presidency” who opposed, according to them, the honest liberal Hubert Humphrey.
Ailes allegedly used “infamous propaganda” in 1968. “Overnight, he had become the right wing’s supreme puppeteer”.
What Variety reviewers especially liked was that “Divide and Conquer”, “in addition to being an indispensable chronicle of how Roger Ailes built an empire out of his willingness to trash the truth, is a film that takes us close to the man himself.”
“The movie, as it should be, is the portrait of a grippingly sinister and Machiavellian personality. What it shows us is a figure who became fixated on his own power, every bit as much as a Mob boss or J. Edgar Hoover; he became so consumed by power that it consumed him,” they wrote about the creepy, biased film.
They compared him with Harvey Weinstein and the devil.
Variety used all the deprecating adjectives in their thesaurus.
They wrote that his hemophilia “contributed to a political ideology that was rooted in apocalyptic anxiety…and expanded the right-wing vision he grew up with — the notion that every threat was lethal, and had to be met with no mercy.”
In summary, he was a bully, paranoid, and he terrorized his hometown storming council meetings like “Godzilla”. The “dirty tricks’ image consultant liked to see the “fear in the eyes” of opponents, according to Variety.
Horrifying success at Fox
It’s Ailes who made Fox a “horrifying success” with pimped “beauties” as broadcasters and “a fire-breathing Bill “O’Reilly”.
The Fox audience returned “to some mythological Hugh Hefner-meets-Donald Trump 1950s in which “family values” somehow meant being married to a pin-up who supports the NRA.”
“What we don’t see, even a little bit, is the inner workings of how Fox News. It’s repackaged the news into its own (fake) reality,” the write-up continues.
“Elevating lies”, threatening people at “Fox creates an alternate reality” which is part of the “evil genius of Fox News, and of Roger Ailes.”
The film, they say, “leaves us outside the right-wing hall of mirrors.”