As Title 42 Is Phased Out, Biden Prepares for Increases in “Legal Migrants”


While illegal crossers continue to flood America’s southern border, the Biden administration and immigration activists are working to substantially increase and accelerate the arrival of “legal” migrants, reports FAIRUS.

Biden has new executive actions ready to fill US jobs with foreign labor.


“U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Ur Jaddou let the mask slip this week when she cited a “critical need for more lower-wage workers.”

“The push for more foreign workers is predicated on lower U.S. unemployment rates (as though this were a problem that needs to be fixed). But this ignores some key metrics.
In addition to 5.9 million jobless workers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) counted 4.9 million working-age Americans sitting outside the labor pool last month. These “discouraged workers” are not included because they were not actively seeking employment during the four weeks preceding the survey.”

“BLS also revealed that hirings continue to trend downward, with the March figure the lowest since President Biden took office. Hourly wages declined, too, as did the average number of hours worked.”

“Meantime, the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), where Jaddou made her comments, is pushing a smorgasbord of 21 administrative fixes, including: Giving temporary workers time to find new U.S. jobs amid layoffs. Speeding State Department visa processing through interview waivers. Shortening required forms and restricting requests for evidence of eligibility.”

As Title 42 winds down, huge groups line up on the Mexican side of the border. They are all ready to take US jobs and lower wages.

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