Biden Administration Weaponizes the ATF to Shut Down Gun Stores


ATF Agents

The Biden administration is using the ATF to shut down gun stores and establish an illegal gun registry.

The administration established an insane zero-tolerance policy. In addition, when a gun store goes out of business, it must turn over all its records, which are then put into a downloadable and searchable registry. It is against the law.

In 2021, the Biden Administration announced a new “Zero Tolerance” policy for revoking the licenses of firearm sellers, known as Federal Firearms Licensees or “FFLs.” As part of this new policy, the ATF recently updated its “Federal Firearms Administrative Action Policy and Procedures.”

Gun Owners of America obtained copies of this updated ATF order, revised under the Biden Administration in January of 2022, along with the prior version under the Trump Administration.

Gun Owners of America found that the administration wants to weaponize the ATF against the entire Second Amendment industry.

Minor violations that used to warrant a warning and now used to shut down stores, even if it’s a simple mistake. Instead of regulating agencies, they are closing as many as possible. It’s become the norm to shut down the store.

They are also reopening closed cases to use against store owners. The ATF deems every violation as willful so they can shut the store down.


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