The Biden administration announced the retaliatory plans for the deaths of three American service personnel at the hands of an Iranian-backed drone strike in Jordan. It looks like they don’t want to surprise them. They decided to leak to CBS so Iran could plan and prepare.
The Biden regime is only going to strike Iranian targets in Syria or Iraq and only when the weather is nice.
John Kirby said they take attacks on US military personnel seriously. [Not that seriously]
There have been over 165 strikes against military personnel in the Middle East since October 7th, and the White House has done almost nothing. They’ve been hitting camel tents in Yemen.
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Iran’s Revolutionary Guard knows where we will hit and what the weather will be like, so they can move critical equipment and people elsewhere.
Calling Bereft Parents of Deceased Service Members
Biden called the grieving parents of one of the service members killed in Jordan and told them he knew how they felt because he lost his son Beau in Iraq. He loves to lie about that, but doing it to a grieving family is revolting. Beau Biden died from a brain tumor five years after returning home from Iraq.
The Biden administration’s decision to play this game of pretending they don’t know Iran is behind it and not sanctioning them puts our service members in danger.
We sent the same message to the Houthi rebels in Yemen, so it should be no surprise that they launched a missile at a US Navy ship, and every defense mechanism on the ship failed except the Gatling gun, which destroyed the rocket with only seconds to spare.
This White House openly bragged about the Middle East being the most peaceful it has been in decades, less than two weeks before the attacks on October 7th.
He’s deranged on a good day.
Now, Biden is insulting Israel’s war strategy again, telling them to take better care of the Gazan civilians, and demanding a two-state solution. No one in their right mind would think a two-state solution would work.
Biden said he’d bring honor back, and there would be adults in the room once again. He’s brought sex and drug trafficking, a terrible economy, war, open borders, and perversion.
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