Bidenistas Added 303,000 Jobs That Signal a Weak Job Market


WOW, Joe added 303,000 jobs. Unfortunately, they are signaling a weak job market.

The numbers are very good on the surface, but look, there were almost no manufacturing jobs and almost no major industry jobs. The government at all levels added 71,000 jobs, which is unproductive and unsustainable. We add a trillion dollars to our debt every three or four months, and we don’t have much to show for it.

Jobs are also part-time and going to foreigners.

BLS numbers look fake, but it is an election year.

According to the Household Employment Survey, the U.S. economy added 691,000 part-time jobs and shed 6,000 full-time jobs in March. that’s just great

So they’re giving part-time jobs to illegal aliens and cutting full-time jobs.


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