Biden’s Chilling Executive Order on Voting


On March 7, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14019, titled “Promoting Access to Voting.” He claims he is addressing “significant obstacles” confronting Americans, including “difficulties with voter registration, lack of election information, and barriers to access at polling places” and undefined “misinformation.”

Using so-called systemic racism as a ploy, he claims minorities are disenfranchised although. they vote in larger numbers than whites proportionate to their population.

America First Legal summarized:
  • The Executive Order directed each agency head to submit a “Strategic Plan” for using social media companies to promote mail-in voting schemes;
  • expanding “multilingual voter registration and election information”;
  • using federal agencies for distributing voter registration and mail-in ballots,
  • “soliciting and facilitating approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials” to provide voter registration services on agency premises, and
  • “assisting” voters “in completing voter registration and vote-by-mail ballot application forms.”

Facing what should be a catastrophic political defeat in November, Team Biden is “plotting to transform federal agencies into corrupt ballot harvesting operations. And much worse–all while hiding their plans from the American people!” All the whilte, he has the backing of the media and the J6 made-for-TV drama.

It is a chilling takeover of our elections, worthy of a third-world communist dictatorship.

Statement From America First Legal Senior Counselor and Director of Oversight Reed D. Rubinstein: 

“Facing a potentially catastrophic political defeat in the 2022 midterms, and covered by the shadow of the January 6 Committee’s theatrics, the Biden Administration is hard at work turning federal agencies into ballot harvesting operations. This sort of conduct may be normal in a communist dictatorship like Venezuela. But it is a chilling breach of long-standing American norms and practices. The American people have a right to see Biden’s strategic plans, and to know the means and methods by which the Biden Administration intends to employ federal bureaucrats, federal property, and big tech to maintain power.” Reed Rubinstein said.

The Bill to Nullify

A bill was introduced last week to nullify the order – HR 7984 by Rep. Mooney Alexander (R-WV). America First Legal has taken on the fight.

Read It Yourself

Joseph r. Biden Executive Order 14019

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