Bombshell study says COV has its own dynamics unrelated to lockdowns, warns of economic devastation


A bombshell study by JP Morgan shows that infection rates have declined, not increased, in states where lockdowns have ended, according to Carl Quintilla of CNBC. He summarized the conclusions of the report in a series of tweets, outlined here.

“The same goes for various countries,” Quintilla states quoting from the study. “This means that the pandemic and COVID-19 likely have its own dynamics unrelated to often inconsistent lockdown measures that were being implemented.”

“In the absence of conclusive data, these lockdowns were justified initially.” But “millions of lives were being destroyed …with little consideration that [lockdowns] might not only cause economic devastation but potentially more deaths than COVID-19 itself.”

They added that Demagogues “will be tempted to use COVID-19 to blame immigrants, people of a different race, or use the pandemic as a pretext to intensify geopolitical tensions…We will closely monitor how these risks evolve, but at this point see them as potential tail risks…”

The report said the administration downplayed the virus at first and then forecasted a larger negative impact which led them to ‘outperform’. [They followed the doctors’ advice and the data]. The blame for economic pain goes to large blue states that are perceived to be slowing down the reopening of the economy. They added that “economic activity across the country is now largely following partisan lines.”

Quintilla added, “it should be noted that JPM’s Kolanovic came close to calling the peak in US cases back on April 6. (The S&P 500 is up nearly 20% since this tweet)”

“In the absence of conclusive data, these lockdowns were justified initially… Millions of lives were being destroyed .. with little consideration that [lockdowns] might not only cause economic devastation but potentially more deaths than COVID-19 itself,” adds the report.


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