CDC Is Now Telling Us What Language We’re Allowed to Use


The CDC has now become a self-appointed wrong-speak dictator. Who gave them that role, we cannot say, other than they took it upon themselves. They published a manual of how you should speak, titled, “Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities.” There is little doubt that the professionals will follow along like good little toadies. Instead of our usual language, the CDC kindly supplies substitutes that sound stilted, vague, and ridiculous.

They have unmitigated gall.


As Dr. Robert Malone said on his substack, “The CDC is the arm of the US Government tasked with disease control and prevention. It is not tasked with correcting wrong-speak.”

They’ve taken up the progressive left’s cause of redefining lanugage to control the masses. According to the website, the CDC has put together this very extensive “list” to protect people from “stigmatizing language”.

The CDC wrote, “Harmful language ultimately increases stigma on the individual, which reduces one’s belief in the ability to change as well as their motivation to ask for help.”

Does that sound scientific to you? We’d like to see the studies on it.

Dr. Malone researched but “didn’t find…clear evidence that calling someone an addict, prisoner, smoker, handicapped, underserved, rural and a vast myriad group of words that are now labeled as being inappropriate by the CDC actually do harm. Now, there must be studies out there? But I couldn’t actually find any, so I couldn’t evaluate the quality of the research. My basic search does imply that whatever evidence is out there, isn’t very strong or it would be cited by a multitude of studies.”

For example, according to the CDC, you can’t call smokers “smokers,” but you can say people who smoke. People who relapse into drug addiction are “people who return to use.”

You mustn’t stigmatize anyone who has already stigmatized him or herself, and we mustn’t call things as they are – honestly.

There is nothing wrong with judging people who hurt others, but the left can’t seem to understand that.

Dr. Malone says: Not “sugar-coating” addiction is often part of the treatment and healing process. “Person who relapsed” versus “person who returned to use.” Why? Because we wouldn’t want to put any judgement on addiction? Where does their idiocy end?


This is most of it, but I would like to know how they have the gall to tell us how we must speak. They’re crazy, insane, mental defects.

Instead of this…
  • Mentally ill
  • Crazy
  • Insane
  • Mental defect
  • Suffers from or is afflicted with [condition]
  • Asylum

Try this…

  • People with a mental illness
  • People with a pre-existing mental health disorder
  • People with a pre-existing behavioral health disorder
  • People with a diagnosis of a mental illness/mental health disorder/behavioral health disorder
  • Psychiatric hospital/facility
Instead of this…
  • Illegals
  • Illegal immigrants
  • Illegal aliens
  • Illegal migrants
  • Foreigners
  • The foreign-born

Try this…

  • People with undocumented status
  • Mixed-status households
  • Immigrant, migrant
  • Asylum seeker; people who are seeking asylum
  • Refugee or refugee populations
  • Non-U.S.-born persons/foreign-born persons
Instead of this…
  • Elderly
  • Senior
  • Frail
  • Fragile

Try this…

  • Older adults
  • Persons aged [numeric age group] (for example, persons aged 55-64 years)
  • Elders when referring to older adults in a cultural context
  • Elderly or frail elderly when referring to older adults in a specific clinical context
Instead of this…
  • High-risk people
  • High-risk population
  • Vulnerable population
  • Priority populations

Try this…

  • People who are at increased/higher risk for [condition]
  • People who live/work in settings that put them at increased/higher risk of becoming infected or exposed to hazards
Instead of this…
  • Inmate
  • Prisoner
  • Convict/ex-convict
  • Offender
  • Criminal
  • Parolee
  • Detainee

Try this…

  • People/persons who are incarcerated or detained (often used for shorter jail stays, for youth in detention facilities or for other persons awaiting immigration proceedings in detention facilities)
  • Partner/child of an incarcerated person
  • Persons in pre-trial or with charge
  • People who were formerly incarcerated
  • Persons on parole or probation
  • Persons detained by or under the custody of (specify agency) (for example, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] or other agencies)
Instead of this…
  • Poverty-stricken
  • The poor/poor people

Try this…

  • People with lower incomes
  • People/households with incomes below the federal poverty level
  • People with self-reported income in the lowest income bracket (if income brackets are defined)
  • People experiencing poverty (do not use “underserved” when meaning low SES)
Instead of this…
  • Homosexual
  • Using MSM (men who have sex with men) as shorthand for sexual orientation to describe men who self-identify as gay or bisexual, individually or collectively
  • Transgenders/transgendered/transsexual
  • Biologically male/female
  • Genetically male/female
  • Hermaphrodite
  • Gendered pronouns:
    • Her or she
    • He/she
    • His or her
    • His/her
  • Sexual preference, which is used to suggest someone’s sexual identity is a choice and therefore could be changed by choice

Try this…

  • Lesbian, gay, or bisexual (when referring to self-identified sexual orientation)
  • MSM (men who have sex with men)
  • Queer
  • Pansexual
  • Asexual
  • Transgender
  • Assigned male/female at birth
  • Designated male/female at birth
  • Gender non-conforming
  • Two-spirit
  • Non-binary
  • Genderqueer
  • Gender diverse
  • People/person with intersex traits
  • Pronouns:
    • Singular they or their
    • He/she/they

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