Col. Macgregor: 400K Troops Advancing Toward Kyiv


Col. Douglas Macgregor gave another update on the war in Ukraine, and he paints a bleak picture. He said how many are wounded is anyone’s guess – hospitals are full. Ukraine’s army is having trouble evacuating, and Russians are heading for Kyiv.

Ukrainians Are Not Winning

In the clip, Macgregor described the areas where Russians have broken through. He said the Ukrainian counter-offensive couldn’t work. Ukrainians have tried to break through Russian defenses. Ukrainians have never gotten through the Russian security zones to reach any of the main defenses.

“The security zones are enormous in strength and depth and lethality. You’ve got about a 15 to 25 kilometer security zone out in front of three main defensive belts. Ukrainians have never gotten through the security zone to reach any of the main defenses. It’s kind of a hopeless situation and I think,” Macgregor said, “they’ve been squandering human life on an industrial scale in hopes of winning greater political support…”

He said that support isn’t coming. He added that the Ukrainian Army “was built on the fly.”

Putin Wants Negotiations, And He’s Building His Military Might

Macgregor said Putin wants negotiations and is moving deliberately to avoid war with NATO. Russia wanted neutrality, and Macgregor doesn’t understand why that’s a problem.

Macgregor said “about 750,000 troops [are] now in Western Russia, in and around Ukraine, about 300 plus thousand are simply sitting in reserve waiting to be told what to do.”

They have 400,000 right now who are heading for Kyiv.

Macgregor thinks the plan is to go to 1.2 million or 1.7 million. Russia is now issuing new equipment and they are manufacturing munitions day and night. They are now a military powerhouse, “which they weren’t before February.”

Russians didn’t want NATO near their defenses, especially nuclear. They didn’t want Biolabs and Russians being shot in border towns. They knew that the US built up the Ukrainian army to 400,000 and knew that the only purpose was malevolent.

The Big Lie
“The Big Lie is that this was inevitable, and Russia wants to march all the way to the Atlantic,” Macgregor said.
The US government is responsive to donors – not the people – or we wouldn’t have lawlessness, drugs, and open borders. 

“Washington is aware that it’s in decline, largely as a consequence of its own stupid actions, but they don’t want to give up on anything. In other words, if you go back and look at the British Empire, the British Empire did not fall apart until their debt-to-GDP ratio was 240% and they could no longer afford to stay in India – the jewel in the crown. Then suddenly from 1947 onwards, everything collapses, falls apart. I see this happening” to us.

“It’s not about Democrats and Republicans anymore.”

There is much more about why and when we should intervene.

There is serious Marxist influence at West Point and other military institutions. The interviewer asked him how we combat this. He discussed the standards of the profession and transgender nonsense.


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