Combat veteran exposes the deeply disturbing plan for the military


Congressional candidate Joe Kent sat for an interview with Dennis Michael Lynch and one of the most troubling comments he made concerns the future of the military and how the current administration is mimicking a takeover by a dictatorship.

About the bombing at Kabul airport, combat veteran Joe Kent believes that the moment the 13 service members died they thought it was only a matter of time before they would die. “It’s only a matter of time these guys were thinking. We’re going to get blown up,” Kent said. He believes that the mid-level command most certainly said something about the dangers they faced that went in violation of procedure.

He is a congressional candidate and will push for a thorough investigation if elected, but he does believe the disaster in Afghanistan will be memory-holed.


Deeply disturbing is Kent’s explanation of why the military is going WOKE. WOKE ideology is being used “to divide and distract,” he said. In the military, it is used to identify who might not support the Biden administration. The first thing Biden did to guarantee his power was to purge. He put Austin in charge of the DoD who in turn put radical political commissars like Estrada in the DoD. These commissars added criteria for security clearance such as asking if the service members were ever in an extremist group. Extremist groups include Trump supporters. [Go to 32:32]

Richard Torres-Estrada didn’t hide and didn’t hide his radical social media posts, because he wanted the military who are not supporters to expose themselves.

The top brass under Biden is using the mandatory COVID shots to weed out conservative service members, he said.

All the guys at the top are looking into the backgrounds of every member of the military and if they find out s/he is a Trump supporter or America First, they will target them. They are looking to get rid of every one of them and only keep the far-left.

The first thing dictators do is to purge the military.

Candidate Kent will concentrate on election integrity if elected.


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