Commie ice cream makers Ben & Jerry named an ice cream after radical far-far-left candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar.
“Ammar-etto American Dream”
🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 @benandjerrys just named an ice cream 🍦 in support of our campaign
Sounds good — who wants a taste?
— Ammar Campa-Najjar (@ACampaNajjar) October 17, 2018
The new flavor will be called “Ammar-etto American Dream,” referring to his background as a first-generation American, the son of a Palestinian father and Mexican-American mother.
Campa-Najjar’s background is under scrutiny. His paternal grandfather was a Palestinian terrorist leader, and though the candidate has denounced his grandfather’s actions, Campa-Najjar called him a “legend” and a “public servant” in 2015.
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He wants a House seat and is an ardent admirer and supporter of commie Bernie Sanders. He rides the same income inequality train of BS.
Campa-Najjar’s grandfather was Muhammad Yusuf al-Najjar, a mastermind of the terrorist murder of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes and coaches at the 1972 Games in Germany. Al-Najjar was assassinated a year later by Israeli commandos.
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