Cowardly Schumer Should Be Bounced From Infrastructure Talks Because of This Deadly NYC Tragedy


Cowardly Schumer Should Be Bounced From Infrastructure Talks Because of This Deadly NYC Tragedy

We are coming up on the 18th anniversary of one of the worst public transportation disasters in the history of New York City.

On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, the Andrew J. Barberi, a Staten Island Ferry, crashed full-speed in a concrete pier at St. George ferry terminal, killing 11 and injuring close to 100 passengers.  The crash was so horrific, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg felt compelled to issue a statement saying it was not a terrorist attack.

What was missing during and throughout the coverage of this catastrophe? It was Democrat Senator Charles Schumer.   During what would normally have been one of those classic ambulance-chasing media moments Chuckie craves, he was nowhere to be found. Strangely absent, was the typical spectacle of Schumer racing for a camera and calling for an over-the-top federal look into the circumstances surrounding the death and destruction.  There was no bleating about increased regulations and punishment for all those responsible.

Why the stunning silence?

The answer is easy if you know two things. 1) The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation was Iris Weinshall. 2) Iris Weinshall, was Senator Schumer’s wife. If this was unknown at the time it’s not the reader’s fault. The power couple was very careful covering their tracks. In July of 2006 Iris, as a defendant in a related lawsuit, went so far as to have the hyphenated Schumer part of her Weinshall-Schumer name removed and both were virtually unreachable for comments regarding the deadly accident.

An independent federal report found fault with upper management by the ruling, “the lion’s share of culpability in this case as resting with the high-level management of the Ferry Service.  Yet while others were disciplined, fired, and/or served jail terms Ms. Wesinshall had the remarkable good fortune to serve as commissioner for another four years. She then took a job at the City University of New York, ironically tasked with overseeing the planning, building, and maintenance of physical structures.

A running joke has been the most dangerous place to be is standing between a camera and Chuck Schumer. On October 15, 2003, literally, the most dangerous place to be standing was on a ferry under the control of a NYC agency headed by Mrs. Charles Schumer.

Chuck Schumer’s cowardly silence on such a massive, deadly calamity, along with his wife being rewarded with a position actually managing and maintaining construction projects, should get this hypocrite bounced from infrastructure talks.


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