Dems ‘DREAM candidate’ got dates for his ‘tall, busty, blonde’ daughter in China


The Guardian is wondering if Michael Bloomberg can come back after his disastrous performance on the debate stage, after withering under the attacks of the screeching senator from Massachusetts. They aren’t nearly as concerned about him using his vast wealth to buy the election. They did notice his vast spending has weakened the other candidates in the race, leaving Bernie in the Captain’s seat.

It’s now the superwealth candidate against the ‘anti-wealth candidate for thee but not me’ — millionaire Bolshevik Bernie.

Bloomberg, Says Me Too

The super-wealthy Bloomie is a throwback to the days when women couldn’t vote and had their butts slapped freely by leering men.

The Independent reported, “Mike Bloomberg boasted about sending his ‘tall and busty and blonde’ teenage daughter on dates he arranged during a business trip in China, according to a newly-resurfaced report on the billionaire presidential hopeful from 1999.

He made the comments to Boston College grads and demanded the comments remain off the record.

“‘My daughter is tall and busty and blonde,’ Mr. Bloomberg told the graduates, Wired reported. ‘We went to China together. And what’s a 16-year-old going to do on a business trip?’

Then he said he “got her dates in every city in China.'”

Now you can see why he’s the candidate for the Democrats in this time and place. The Dems are saying, ME TOO! We want Bloomie.

The Bought and Paid For

Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone wrote, “That Bloomberg has been touted as a potential Democratic Party savior across the top ranks of politics and media is an extraordinary indictment of that group of people.”

“Some endorsements were straight cash transactions, in which politicians who owe their careers to Bloomberg’s largess repaid him with whatever compliments they could muster. How much does a man who radiates impatience with the idea of having to pretend to equal status with anyone have to spend to get someone to say something nice?”

For example:

California Congressman Harley Rouda called him a legendary businessman and Bloomberg gave him $4 million+.

New Jersey’s Mikie Sherrill got more than $2 million from Bloomberg’s Independence USA Super PAC, and he said Bloomberg embodies the integrity we need.

Georgia’s Lucy McBath, a member of the congressional black caucus, got $4 million from Bloomberg PACs, and she endorsed the man who wanted to throw black kids against the wall.

NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman is ‘Paging Michael Bloomberg,’ claiming Russia and China are voting for Trump 2020. Never mind that Trump has been pummeling them. Friedman’s wife’s museum Planet Word just got a big donation from Bloomberg philanthropies.

Money talks to Dems.

NY Mag’s Jonathan Chait quipped, ‘Winning the election is starting to look hard. How about buying it instead?’ Is he joking though? How could he be? Mayor Doomberg is buying it. And Vox, quoting him, blames Trump for it.

The far-left Washington Post, owned by oligarch Jeff Bezos, is calling Bloomberg a dream candidate. They really, really like communist Bernie, but they have to win, after all.

Most news accounts ignored the donations and ulterior motives. They are whores and it’s only right and just that they support the man who is buying the election with his vast wealth, a wholly unAmerican thing to do.


Bloomberg’s as honest as a Massachusetts senator claiming to be Pocahontas. He’s trying to tie his star to Obama.

A 30-second ad portrays Bloomberg and Obama as close allies. Photos of the two together appear in the ad with Obama saying. “I want to thank the mayor of this great city, Mayor Bloomberg, for his extraordinary leadership.” Bloomie praises Obama back.

Bloomberg voted for McCain in 2008.

His ads are a wonder. Despite wanting to throw black kids against walls, he found a lot of minorities for this next ad. You can trust this is honest as a skunk smells sweet.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg really likes Donald Trump, he’s a “GREAT GUY!”

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