Donald Trump Is Definitely Running in 2024!


Former President Donald Trump plans to enter the presidential race again in 2024, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said on Monday.

Mr. O’Reilly said he wanted the former president to use the record of his administration – claiming that it was during the Trump administration that Covid vaccines were developed – in his re-election bid.

“I’m trying to tell [former] president Trump, run on your record. He’s going to run again, all right,” Mr. O’Reilly said. “I said, ‘Run on your record because your record is pretty darn good.’”

O’Reilly said during an appearance on Dan Abrams’s NewsNation prime-time show that the former president called him to say that he plans to run again for office.

The former Fox News host said he told Trump that the move is “good for you.”

“This is good that people see another side of you, not a political side. You told the truth. You believe in the vax. Your administration did it, and you should take credit for it,” O’Reilly said he told Trump when he rang him shortly after a speaking tour in Dallas.

Mr. O’Reilly said Mr. Trump did not know that he would be asked about whether he had received a booster shot during the history tour with O’Reilly.

The former president was booed and jeered by a mostly unmasked crowd on Sunday when he revealed that he had received the booster shot.

“Did you get the booster?” Mr. O’Reilly had asked Mr. Trump.

“Yes,” he replied. “I got it too,” Mr. O’Reilly added.

The audience wasn’t booing the President. They were booing the vaccine. It’s not a reflection of how they feel about him but the leftists are making the most of it.

They also claim the reception to the history tour was lukewarm but that’s not true. There were thousands. It’s not just the 50,000 they are used to seeing at rallies.

O’Reilly and Abrams classify everyone who is against this particular vaccine as anti-vaxxer crazies and that is very unfair. There are many reasons why people choose not to get the vax. There are a lot of conspiracy theories, but many of them come from the Left. Stop pigeon-holing O’Reilly!


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