Donna Brazile Says Hillary Bought the DNC Before She Was a Nominee


Donna Brazile wrote an article for Politico betraying Hillary, the DNC, and Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, saying they bought loyalty for Hillary’s candidacy before she got the nomination. The purpose was to cheat Bernie out of his fair shot.

She bashed Debbie Wassermann-Schultz’s managerial skills and complained that Barack Obama left the DNC in massive debt.

She, Donna Brazile, was deceived about how in debt they were and how it was resolved.

In the article at Politico she writes that officials in Hillary’s campaign saw that Barack Obama had left them $24 million in debt and wasn’t going to pay them back until 2016.

The Clinton campaign helped them out, or herself out, by paying out ten million dollars to the DNC and putting them on an allowance for the rest before she was the nominee.

The DNC also took a loan from the Clinton campaign for $2 million which may or may not be a violation of campaign finance law. It was taken out without the unanimous agreement of all the officers.

She questioned the financial officer and she says the response included him saying the party is fully under the control of Hillary’s campaign and they were being fed money monthly, keeping them on life support.

Brazile said Clinton met the requirements of contribution limits by giving to individual states first and then transferring it to the DNC.

Brazile said to the financial officer, “Wait,” I said. “That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the state party races. You’re telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got the nomination?”

She contributed before the nomination and circumvented campaign limits according to Brazile. Donors might not have known what was going on either. That could be illegal. If it is illegal, no one will investigate.

It sounds like Hillary bought the election if Brazile can be believed.

Donna Brazile herself fed primary debate questions to Hillary and lied about it. She currently has a new job at the DNC.

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