Durham’s top aide resigns so ‘journalists’ speculate with anonymous sources & call it news


A top aide to U.S. Attorney John Durham, Nora Dannehy, has resigned from the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the Russia investigation.

The Hill said it was due to political pressure from U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr. They don’t know that for a fact and Nora Dannehy didn’t say it, at least not publicly.

They heard it from anonymous sources who told the Hartford Courant in a story they published Friday.

The news is now no better than gossip rags.

If Barr is trying to pressure them to do something already, who could blame him? This coup investigation is too private and taking too long.

Dannehy is anti-Trump so it sounds like her departure is a good move.

Barr appointed Durham to lead the probe into the Russia interference probe.

Anonymous colleagues of Dannehy told the Courant that Barr is pushing Durham to produce more results before the November election. And you can take that to the bank.

The Durham investigation produced its first public result in August with the arrest of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who pleaded guilty to falsifying a document to justify surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser as part of the 2016 investigation.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

If it’s true, we’re glad to hear it at the Sentinel. However, it’s a new conspiracy for the left to grab onto. Why don’t they wait until there are some actual facts for a change?

Now shifty Schiff is speculating along with the media. I smell a new manufactured crisis coming up:

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