Federal Taxpayers Fund Soros-Tied Leftist ‘Protest’ Group in NY


An anti-Trump liberal [leftist] group, Make the Road New York (MRNY), a New York City-based Latino immigrant group with nearly 20,000 dues-paying members. It is closely linked to an $80 million dollar anti-Trump network and an approved funding group of the Democracy Alliance. Democracy Alliance is a hard-left Soros group that has organized a cabal to take down Trump and Republicans in general.

The reports call these people liberals but they are in fact leftists.

They work in concert with Soros’s goal of a permanent voting majority of Progressives. We can all be California, the poorest state in the union.

This open borders group has gotten $25 million since 2003 and just received another $400,000+.

The federal taxpayer supports this group that pays people to riot and protest. They call themselves grassroots but they plan all of their events and are well-founded.

They are also tied to ACORN [now the Center for Popular Democracy] and other Marxist groups.

This group received $4.4 million in federal grants during election year 2016.

They were behind the JFK riots/protests and had planned them from the day after the President won election. They were behind the #DeleteUber campaign after Uber allowed drivers to pick up passengers from the airport during the protests. It cost the Uber CEO his job. #GrabYourWallet is theirs and they arrange for boycotts of Trump products, particularly Ivanka Trump’s.

More details can be found at the free beacon.

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