France failed to meet its own Paris Accord, the one Biden sold us out to


Biden is selling out America in every way possible. With the Paris Accord, he’s selling us out to people who don’t abide by the Accord themselves.

Four environmental NGOs insisted France failed to meet its own Paris Accord agreement. As a result, they took France to court and won.

We can expect the same treatment from these radicals now that Biden rejoined the Accord. They will take the place of our Constitution and will most likely be able to go after our companies.

The Administrative Tribunal in Paris ruled Wednesday that France had fallen short of its promise to reduce greenhouse gases under commitments made in the 2015 Paris Agreement, and was “responsible for ecological damage.”

While the court declared the government guilty of inaction, it rejected a claim for damages by the four NGOs that brought the suit, ordering the government to pay just one symbolic euro to them instead. The tribunal also said it would decide within two months whether to recommend any measures for the government to resolve its failure to meet its own commitments.

In January, the court called the proceedings the “first major climate trial in France.”

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