Gender non-conforming doc to become assistant secretary of HHS after wretched act


Rachel Levine, who is a man, Richard Levine, is the new transgender assistant secretary for health and human services. Undoubtedly, he was chosen for his identity group. But that’s not the real issue here.

The real issue is that the doctor took his mother out of a nursing home immediately before ordering COVID-positive patients to the nursing homes in Pennsylvania where Dr. Levine lives.

Dr. Rachel Levine, a gender-nonconforming male (transvestite?) who identifies as transgender and uses female pronouns, defended his policy of sending elderly patients back to their nursing homes after receiving treatment.

Levine claimed, “They contracted the virus in the facility. So it doesn’t mean they were bringing it to the facility. The virus was already there.”

What is clear is that he seeded nursing homes and knew what he was doing or he wouldn’t have taken his mother out of the nursing home. It’s a deliberate act.

In May, Levine pulled his own mother out of a nursing home rather than leave her to be subjected to his own policies. “My mother requested and my sister and I as her children comply to move her to another location,” Levine said at a press conference. “During the COVID-19 outbreak. My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions.”

None of the 10,022 nursing home residents in the state who died from the virus were allowed that option.

Not only did he not protect other patients, he did it knowingly.

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