The Robert Koch Institute (the German CDC) released over 2,500 pages documenting the “Covid Crisis Team” meetings between January 2020 and April 2021. They did so in response to long-running litigation by journalists at Multipolar.
It’s equivalent to the Fauci emails.
You can download the minutes and agendas yourself here. They’re heavily redacted, but they expose the pandemic circus and the idiotic coordinators.
In this surprisingly critical ZDF article, Eugyppius highlighted just three points.
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As Multipolar already reported, on March 16, 2020, they decided without any basis to elevate the risk assessment to “high.” That is the day Neil Ferguson and his team called for rolling lockdowns. It backs up prior information that the decisions were political.
- At multiple points, the RKI acknowledges that Covid was far less dangerous than they publicly allowed.
- On March 19, 2021, they emphasized that “COVID-19 should not be compared with influenza because normal influenza waves kill more people, although COVID-19 is worrying for other reasons.”
- On 30 October 2020, the RKI was positively overflowing with skepticism about the effectiveness of FFP2 or N95 respirators. They said mandating FFP2s [masking]for community protection was “not evidence-based” because there was no reason to think they would work outside professional healthcare contexts. They even suggested the public should be made aware of this, which, of course, never happened. Instead, within a few months, they got our first FFP2 mask mandates.
There are other things here, too, such as the question raised on 8 January 2021 about whether the time had come to “depart from the narrative of herd immunity via vaccination” now that vaccines were available; a remark on 5 March 2021 that restrictions for the unvaccinated and as-yet-uninfected were “not technically justifiable” and contrary to World Health Organisation ethical guidelines.
Remember when they called us lunatics, conspiracy theorists, and know-nothings?
Go to Eugyppius’s substack for the full story. The West gave up freedom for nothing, and control freaks grabbed more power from the people.
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