Hanoi Jane Is Still a Communist


Hanoi Jane is a Democrat about as much as Vladimir Putin is. She was a traitor and a communist during the Vietnam War; she was married to communist Tom Hayden; and she has not changed a bit.

During an appearance on the BBC’s “Hardtalk” last week, she was asked by Stephen Sackur if she’s proud of America today. Her answer was an emphatic “no.” She is however proud of the hard-left “Resistance” movement.

When she offered her thoughts on the NFL protests and was asked if she would have gotten down on her knees, she said she “would not only participate by getting down on a knee, but she would get down on both knees or on all fours if necessary.”

She falsely claimed Trump is “manipulating” the protest to make it appear as if it’s anti-military. Then she lied and said disrespecting the flag and country “has nothing to do with patriotism, it has nothing to do with the military,” she said. “It has to do with the fact that racism is so alive and well in the United States.”

That’s a communist manipulating the true intentions of this NFL movement.

Hanoi Hanoi characterized some of Trump’s supporters as “white supremacists who are filled with hate”.

“You don’t talk to them,” she said.

But, she claimed, a number of people who voted for Trump actually voted for Obama twice and were angry with the Democratic Party for failing to live up to its promises.

She reiterated Trump’s “forgotten man” theme by saying that many people who used to have good-paying jobs in factories are now struggling to make a living. Of course, she failed to notice that Democratic policies like Obamacare are largely to blame for that.

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