Harris’s Collapse In Her Own Words on Tape


Kamala Harris is at the inventing hoaxes stage of failure in her campaign of lies and no clear agenda. She doesn’t really answer questions and that should terrify people.

Will you continue building the border wall? Her answer: She is going to pass the Border Bill that enshrines illegal immigration of over 2 million a year.

Harris plans to destroy our energy sector.

She likes criminals. After she reads the ballot, she will let us know how she will punish drug crimes. This is the woman who didn’t want drug dealers punished until their third offense.

Harris constantly calls grocers price gougers. Supermarkets work on a 1% profit margin.

She had a disastrous CNN town hall. Harris is a horror.

WOW, this dumb bunny is bad news.

Why did they dump the mumbler for her?

She has no brain.

I’m not sure why Cooper did journalism last night, but he did.

Harris doesn’t know what she stands for, but we do. That border bill is a complete disaster.

This Town Hall summary is good.

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