Iranian Regime Plasters Posters Around of Hassan Nasrallah, Iranians Burn Them


The Iranian regime put posters up in memory of Hassan Nasrallah, a murderous terrorist. The Iranian people set them on fire. The media doesn’t want us to know that the people hate these fascists who run the country tyrannically.

The people of Iran are vastly pro-Western and openly long for freedom and democracy but are met with brutal and violent suppression any time they rise up and demand their basic human rights, whether in the 1999 student protests, the 2009 Green Movement, or the most recent protests of 2019.

The Iranian regime put up posters in memory of the terrorist Hassan Nasrallah, the Iranian people set them on fire
byu/Unit504 inPalestinian_Violence

Is this what our administration wants for us? They want to take our freedoms and destroy our Constitution. They are allowing millions of potential terrorists into the country, who can then hide out in their sanctuary cities. Eventually, there will be enough of them to replace us.

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