Joe Biden’s Greatest Failure? The Fentanyl Body Count!


Joe Biden’s Greatest Failure? The Fentanyl Body Count!


By Mark Schwendau


I always thought it would be interesting to be a historian, and this job would be particularly interesting right now. A good historian must be politically neutral to be viewed as legitimate. You would also have to figure out what form of measure you would use to determine whether a seated U.S. president was being effective or ineffective. While I am no historian, two matrices one could imagine using are two of the things humans value the most; Human life and cash money. Because I value life more than money, I would assess Joe Biden’s greatest failure by lives lost.

Most historians would probably agree that the first lives lost on Biden’s watch were in the Afghanistan withdrawal. The August 2021 attack was one of the deadliest days for American forces in the past decade of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, as 13 lives were needlessly lost. It took place days ahead of President Trump’s previously planned full withdrawal from the country that had been overtaken days earlier by the Taliban.

Of course, the Biden administration was quick to blame former President Trump, but even Trump has said he would have never given up the Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan as it is such a short distance from China.  The Biden administration spent zero time reading Trump’s notes. Fans of Trump can imagine any equipment and weapons Trump would have left behind in Afghanistan would not have added up to billions of dollars.

The few left behind probably would have been used as a trap to attack the Taliban one last time with cruise missiles as they attempted to take over their newfound cache of equipment.  Yeah, Joe Biden and General Mark Miley never thought of that.

Fast forward to this year, and Biden’s body count is much greater.  Thanks to the open southern border, we now have a fentanyl drug overdose problem so significant at least a dozen State Attorneys Generals have asked Joe Biden to declare the drug both a national security threat and a weapon of mass destruction.

Illinois is one state where Republican lawmakers are taking the problem seriously to the point of wanting new laws to address drug dealers of fentanyl. Republicans have introduced legislation designed to allow state attorneys to prosecute fentanyl dealers.

“Five milligrams of fentanyl is lethal and deadly. During a news conference, we can’t have that be just a simple misdemeanor,” State Rep. Chris Bos, R of Lake Zurich.

State Rep. Deanne Mazzochi, Republican of Elmhurst, said, “If you are going out of your way to put fentanyl into other drugs, putting it into vitamins, putting it in something that looks like candy, putting into something that is rainbow colored, you have an intent to distribute, to target, to harm.”

Just today, ABC News reported the second largest school district in America, Los Angeles, said parents are being warned of a sharp increase in teens overdosing on pills laced with fentanyl. Reporter Lionel Moise said some states want the drug declared a “weapon of mass destruction.”  Many of those to overdose and die were not typical drug users or abusers but unwitting victims of a scam.

Schools sound the alarm on fentanyl.”

Moise reported enough fentanyl has come in from Mexico since Joe Biden took office to kill every American twice over. Fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin which has been an ongoing drug overdose problem in the United States for many years.

Experts are quick to point out that you should only buy and take drugs from legitimate authorized drug sources as too many times illicit drugs are being laced with other drugs, such as fentanyl, which means you have no idea what you are putting in your body.

People can be pretty judgmental about people who use and die of drugs, but this is different. This fentanyl is coming in from Mexico in the form of what looks like candy chews in rainbow colors. Those who take these, thinking they are candy rather than a deadly drug to get high or kill them, are not to be judged.  They are victims of Joe Biden’s open border policy with Mexico.

Some states are doing better at sounding the alarm than others. For example, the Georgia State Department of Public Health just reported the number of young people in Georgia who died from fentanyl-laced drug overdoses spiked last year by 800% compared with the year before the pandemic.

Other states, like Wisconsin, have issued a Public Health Advisory noting fentanyl is increasingly present in toxicology reports of overdose deaths in Wisconsin.

The American Medical Association (AMA) has released a report titled “Issue brief: Nation’s drug-related overdose and death epidemic continues to worsen” here.

One of the problems with asking about fentanyl drug deaths is that the government does a poor job of requiring standardized data reporting.  For example, few toxicology reports look for fentanyl at this point in time as a requirement of testing. The U.S. government does not track death rates for every drug overdose.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse does offer this source for further research, though:

“However, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collects information on deaths involving many of the more commonly used drugs available through 2020 at a searchable database called CDC Wonder. The NCHS also has 12-month-ending provisional data available by state and drug category. See Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts.

The CDC also provides timely data on unintentional and undetermined intent drug overdose deaths by participating jurisdictions through the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS). Similar data related to nonfatal drug overdoses are reported through CDC’s Drug Overdose Surveillance and Epidemiology (DOSE) system.”


So, to me, the greatest failure of Joe Biden acting as our president would appear to be the increase in deaths by drug overdoses from illegal drugs crossing our southern border with Mexico – fentanyl. While some would argue with me that under President Trump in 2020, those overdose deaths were near or over 100,000, they are missing the bigger picture.

Under President Trump and our closed border, illegal drugs were more difficult to obtain, so their prices were higher, and the customer base for the drug cartels remained depressed. Under Joe Biden’s open border policy, the drugs are flowing freely, and the prices are down, so the cartels need a broader customer base. Or is that what this is all about?

This is a common business practice, as anybody can understand.  What is not common or understandable is peddling drugs like rainbow-colored candy to minors in grade schools!  This new practice seems more about killing people than making them future customers! What is the intent here?  Why is the FBI not investigating this new aspect of the drug world rather than the Trump family?

Some say drug overdose deaths for 2022 could easily top a quarter of a million, and many of those deaths would be directly tracked back to fentanyl. Was the Joe Biden administration interested in tracking such deaths more seriously? Many dying people had no intention of getting high on fentanyl but were used or played.

Perhaps Florida House Representative Matt Gaetz (R) recently said it best in this video clip: “JUST IN: Matt Gaetz Trashes Biden Border Policy Over Fentanyl Concerns

Rep. Gaetz sums up what is going on as not “fentanyl overdoses” but rather “fentanyl poisonings,” as those ingesting this drug are doing so unwittingly.

He proposes using Tomahawk cruise missiles in the mountains of Mexico where the drug cartels are manufacturing fentanyl.

This is not a farfetched plan if fentanyl is declared a national security threat and a weapon of mass destruction. Since it originally came from former President Donald Trump, again, Trump was right!

Maybe if Hunter or Ashley Biden (son and daughter) dies of a fentanyl overdose, Joe Biden will finally understand. After all, they are both familiar with the world of illicit narcotics.

Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau


Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  Mark is an award-winning educator who has published seven books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet.  His father was a fireman/paramedic, while his mother was a registered nurse.  He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education.  His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.

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