Lauterbach: Corona Deaths Increased So Continue Doing What You’re Doing


Prof. Karl Lauterbach addressed the high number of coronavirus deaths — 1,000 a week. The mortality of those who have had corona infection has also increased. He wants all measures, including vaccination, continued. [It’s not working so continue what you’re doing?]

Prof. Lauterbach

In other words, Lauterbach doesn’t know why there are excess deaths and seems to admit the vaccine isn’t working. But he isn’t going to look at the possibility of the vaccine or drugs like Paxlovid causing the problem. Studies suggest the vaccine weakens the ability of the body to fight off corona. Paxlovid causes rebound in some people.

If the vaccinated were protected, there would be fewer deaths. Wouldn’t there be fewer?

It’s not clear, Dr. Lauterbach.

Not everyone who responded to his post agreed, and some of those were doctors.

One German newspaper admitted that the figures for 2022: excess mortality are high, especially in October:

So far, the monthly death rates in Germany for 2022 are, on average, nine percent above the respective average values ​​from 2018 to 2021. According to Jonas Schöley from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, this is a significant increase in mortality. The death rates in the summer months of June, July, and August are already higher: the values ​​here were nine percent, twelve percent, and eleven percent above the respective mean values ​​from 2018 to 2021.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, this is probably due to the particularly high temperatures in the hot summer of 2022 and the increase in Covid 19 cases. An evaluation by the Robert Koch Institute recently showed that heat waves could have a measurable effect on increased mortality. However, there will only be final clarity about the causes in mid-2023. Then the Federal Statistical Office will publish a final classification, also taking into account the aging process of the population and the cause of death statistics.

The newspaper also reported that blame might go to overburdened hospitals. Schöley did admit that he can’t say why excess deaths are higher. He said that in England and Wales, it’s partly due to the wait time for ambulances [that doesn’t say much for their socialist healthcare].

Göran Kauermann, a statistics professor at LMU Munich, sees a possible reason for the high numbers in October in flu infections. He admits that’s conjecture.

In summary, the article states that there is no reason to panic. It could be due to a shortage of staff or delayed examinations.

The two things they never consider in the article are that the vaccine is causing the problem or maybe the newly-developed drugs like Paxlovid. It never occurred to them, but don’t panic — GET VACCINATED – the article declares. That’s right. The conclusion is, “this is why it is so important to get vaccinated.

Schöley, Kauermann, and Lauterbach might all reside in an echo chamber.

The denial is mind-boggling. They should at least consider that the vaccines are not all that. There are studies indicating the vaccine is a problem and Paxlovid causes rebound. There are serious vaccine side effects, especially myocarditis.

The vaccines have the dangerous spike protein:

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