Liberty or Death: The Loss of America


“Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

So spoke Patrick Henry in 1775 risking death on the gallows for speaking treason against the king of England. Patrick Henry would be abashed at how modern Americans have so willingly surrendered their liberties for the duplicitous chains and slavery of Covid-19. Confined to our homes, our every day lives enslaved by a vaccine mandate, trained to rat out our neighbors, to inform on our families, afraid to be seen in the wrong places or be heard uttering unpopular beliefs, we have ceded our sacred Constitutional rights – our God-given rights — to a demented old president, to dictatorial governors, legislators, lawyers, and jurists, and we sit back inured to our own government’s lawless oppression.

So, is life so dear or peace so sweet? Patrick Henry admonished us: “Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss.”

I ask you, are you feeling more secure now after giving up your God-given liberties to the tyrants in our own government who have made you jump through hoops by promising you what they cannot deliver – that they will protect you from the scary bogeyman called Covid-19 and its innumerable mutant strains? Yes, Covid kills. It kills the body. Just maybe, and probably maybe, perhaps it will kill the body. But if we still believe in an almighty Creator, the body is not who we are or what we are. And surely, slavery, cowardice, and obedience to petty tyrants kills the human spirit and kills the essence of manhood. Yes, and it kills womanhood.

Is not Anthony Fauci a despicable, duplicitous fraud? Is not Joe Biden a cowardly feckless tyrant? Is not the Deep State pure evil, as are our once esteemed federal agencies? Are not the globalists monsters hiding in the shadows? We cannot trust any of them. And you – if you cringe and cower and surrender your soul to their whimsical mandates – you, too, are complicit. You are your own enemy, and you are the enemy of a free America.

You are worse than a fool! You do not deserve liberty because you are incapable of understanding the cost of liberty, and you are not willing to pay that cost.

America as we know it is gone forever. Yes, we may gain back some of the old America we loved, but not in our lifetime – and then it will never be as it was a few short generations ago. With a foolish, obedient populace indoctrinated in our government schools, with a complicit teachers union and a radical leftist news media educated by radical leftists college professors, the leftists, the Marxists, and the corporatists have brought America to irreparable ruin.

And so goes the free world, for the stability of the free world depends on the stability of America. Everything now – across the world — is a crap shoot. If you travel abroad, the United States government cannot and will not guarantee your safety. Foreign governments and transportation systems are so shaky you may have problems returning home from what were once safe destinations. Things change overnight in any given area of the globe. America is weakened, evil forces are afoot, and now it’s open season on Americans and all free-loving people as chaos and violence reign.

Maybe it will begin to turn around if Donald Trump gets reelected president in 2024, but in our lifetime, it will never be the same. And why? Because Americans – damned Democrats and damned Republicans alike – have decided life is indeed, so dear and peace is indeed so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. God, help us. We are lost in a dark abyss. Where are the Americans of old? They are buried in the earth with the bones of Patrick Henry.

Benjamin Franklin said it simply: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Would that the modern generation studied the founding fathers and their writings. Sadly it is all too late. The America we loved will never survive these people. And we – all of us – have let it happen.

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