Life Reduced To A Footnote In History


by Antony Stark

John F. Kennedy

Every November 22, it becomes more and more clear that the JFK Assassination has passed from being first current events, then history, and has now rapidly moved into the realm of myth.

I note this as I received the following thought-provoking note from a friend who realizes that the list of players in this drama is quite enormous, each of them spawning myriad footnotes that are themselves polyphiloprogenitive, providing myriad jumping off points for other facts, theories, and speculations… which contribute even more twists to the mythos.

The question no longer seems to be “Who killed JFK?” but rather “Who didn’t kill JFK?” since everyone seems to have been involved in the plot.

It is one of those footnotes – in fact, a quite minor footnote – in JFK assassination literature that concerns me here.

Here is what my friend wrote:

Cord Meyer never got over his ex-wife. The tough CIA operative, with

his glass eye and war-scarred face, wept publicly throughout her

memorial service. Hardened as he was by then, indentured to the

Company as surely as a Mafia lieutenant is to his capo, she must have

represented for him the man he might have been. Many years later,

caught in a fleeting moment of transparency and maybe remorse, he was

asked who he thought had murdered Mary Meyer. “The same sons of

bitches who killed Kennedy,” he said, and he was in a position to

know. As far as the record goes, he never spoke on the subject again.


As to what Jack Kennedy and Mary Meyer might be able to tell us about

who those sons of bitches were, I can offer only this observation,

gleaned from Shakespeare, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and my own personal

experience. A corollary of the “keep your enemies closer” adage is

that when it comes to political or professional hits, we are far more

likely to be struck from within our family of familiars than from

without it. The gravest danger comes from those we’ve first embraced

and then rejected. Those with whom we were once, even fleetingly,

“complicit.” John Kennedy played both sides throughout his brief

reign: he had to. The times were that dangerous and the stakes that

high. It’s part of the art of ruling. He was born for it, and he

enjoyed it. But the strategy comes with a high risk, for sooner or

later the ruler must choose, and someone’s going to feel burned.

History shows that, by and large, Kennedy made — or was on his way to

making — the right choices, and that it cost him dearly. And my gut

tells me that Mary Meyer, with her vision of a turned-on world, was

the physical embodiment of those choices.


Lee Harvey Oswald was in the sixth floor window, and whether or not

the shots from his twelve-dollar mail order rifle were the only ones

fired, it’s inconceivable to me that others did not know he was up

there. He was on too many radar screens, and had too many handlers

enmeshing him in too many nets. He was allowed to slip through those

nets by people who were most likely known to his victim. This is how

most conspiracy works: it “lets things happen.” It permits history to

move along one vector rather than another, leaving us no choice

afterwards but to feel the game is rigged. One needn’t be an active

agent in the plot, only to let it unfold. In this sense, the tears

have been tears of remorse as well as of genuine grief.

In their youth, Cord and Mary Meyer were two rather naive, glassy-eyed pacifists. Yet both were co-opted, used, and thrown away by the Deep State Intelligence organs they defected to.

Cord caught the attention of Establishment Corporatists like Allen Dulles and Counter-Intelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton, who recruited the intelligent but gullible Cord after he became disillusioned with when large-scale Communist infiltration that took place under Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Both these men were the deepest of Deep State operatives and both appear to be neck deep in all the conspiracy theories regarding the JFK assassination and subsequent cover-up.

Seduced by the intense power such men gave off at the height of the Cold War and basking in their reflected limelight, it is easy to see how much Cord and Mary probably enjoyed attending Georgetown parties with the scions of the Liberal Establishment.

The Meyers were attracted to the globalist worldview that wanted to “abolish Nation States” and “remake” the planet into a peaceful, borderless, corporate-run “New World Order”; basically, “Planet Earth Inc.

In 1962 Cord led the Covert Action Staff and was implicated by former CIA agent E. Howard Hunt as being involved in the conspiracy that resulted in the assassination in Dallas.

Cord’s wife Mary was just as interesting and politically complicated.

Coming from a wealthy progressive-minded family with Socialist leanings, she attended elite schools, grew up among Liberal intellectuals, wrote for the United Press and joined the socialist American Labor Party… which was noticed by the FBI.

She married Cord, who shared her globalist views and they moved into Georgetown Society in Washington DC, next door to JFK and his wife Jackie, with whom Mary became friends.

When the Meyer’s 9-year-old son died in a car accident near their home, their marriage crumbled and they divorced in 1956.

Attracted by both her looks and sophistication, she had become one of JFK’s many lovers; one of JFK’s aides, Myer Feldman claimed that her influence on JFK “might actually have been a force for peace during some of the most frightening years of the Cold War …” Ben Bradlee alleged that he caught James Angleton breaking into Mary’s home, where Angleton apparently found her diary, and later destroyed it.”

The Power Elite was no doubt unhappy with the idea that a peacenik with a Leftwing pedigree was sleeping with the President, who the Establishment already knew was anti-thetical to their interests.

Did he confide to Mary his misgivings about what it meant to be “Mr. President?”  Was he really the ultimate decision-making authority?

Or was there another, higher, collective level of command?

Just 11 months after the assassination, Mary was herself murdered under mysterious circumstances that were never convincingly explained.

Cord remained with the CIA and retired in 1977; save for the comment above, he never commented on the assassination and he died, un-noticed, in 2001, never breaking his Faustian bargain with “The Company.”

This is how most conspiracy works: it “lets things happen.” It permits history to move along one vector rather than another, leaving us no choice afterwards but to feel the game is rigged.”

Unfortunately for the Meyers, they realized too late that the game was rigged against them… not by enemies, but by those professing to be friends and colleagues and mentors.

What happened to them reduced their lives to mere footnotes in a tragedy that still, for some reason, remains a mysteriously painful wound, even 60 years after it happened… perhaps because the Nation retains its dark suspicions that the game remains rigged.


Antony Stark is the co-author of the book “The Seventh Crisis – Why Millennials Must Re-Establish Ordered Liberty


Editor’s Note: If you would like to read the full article, it will be published early tomorrow morning.

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