Mass Deportations Are Normal: Trump’s Will Be Our 4th


As Peter St. Onge reports in the clip below, mass deportations are common. It’s not some medieval torture. Bill Clinton deported 12 million, George W. Bush deported 10 million, even Obama and Biden combined deported 5 million. In other words, deportation is perfectly normal.

Three times in the past century, the federal government has made a special effort to mass deport illegal migrants.

The first mass deportation was after World War I. It brought many refugees, and many held radical political beliefs. In modern terms, they were terrorists.

The second biggest deportation was FDR’s during The Great Depression. Mexican farmworkers were overloading charity and relief needed for Americans. The deportations included thousands of citizen children. Many started self-deporting because FDR cut off benefits. They were also threatened with arrest.

The third mass deportation was in the 1950s under Eisenhower. It followed a war, and wars mean labor shortages. Companies cheat and hire them. Eisenhower, like FDR, used military tactics to deport a million people. The media amplified it on behalf of the administration. They amplified self-deportations,w which is easier on everybody.

During all of these deportations, farming and manufacturing did not collapse. Companies had plenty of workers. They just had to pay more. The GDP dropped and then grew the next year by 7.1%.

Every country on earth deports. It’s the way of the world. Each country gets to decide who they will admit or not. Most countries will arrest illegal migrants.

Mass deportation doesn’t destroy the economy. It just raises wages. Most Americans will be fine paying more for American-made products.


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