MI demands President wear a mask on Ford visit, it’s the law!


Michigan’s Attorney General — MI’s top law enforcement officer — demanded President Trump wear his mask upon his visit to the Ford plant in Michigan where employees are making face masks. She said it’s his legal, social and moral responsibility.

President Trump said, “Where it’s appropriate, I would do it, certainly.”

There is no story her, however, this is the scandal du jour.

For obvious political benefits, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) asked the president in an open letter addressed to Mr. Trump to adhere to executive orders issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and Ford’s policy mandating masks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Mr. Trump is scheduled to visit a factory southwest of Detroit that has been repurposed to manufacture ventilators.


“While my Department will not act to prevent you from touring Ford’s plant, I ask that while you are on tour you respect the great efforts of the men and women at Ford — and across this State — by wearing a facial covering,” Nessel wrote. “It is not just the policy of Ford, by virtue of the Governor’s Executive Orders. It is currently the law of this State.”

A Ford spokesperson told the Associated Press earlier this week that the company informed the White House that it requires everyone in factories to wear masks. But the spokesperson noted, “The White House has its own safety and testing policies in place and will make its own determination,” leaving unanswered the question of whether Trump will sport a face covering on Thursday.

Mr. Trump responded, “I don’t know,” the president said Tuesday when asked if he would don a mask in light of the company’s policy. “It depends. I mean, you know, in certain areas, I would. In certain areas, I don’t. But I will certainly look at it.”

He added that his decision would be contingent on the situation.

“Am I standing right next to everybody or am I spread out?” Trump said. “And also … you know, is something a hospital? Is it a ward? … What is it exactly? I’m going to a plant. So we’ll see. Where it’s appropriate, I would do it, certainly.

Of course! The media knows that. He doesn’t have to wear a mask constantly and you can’t make a speech with a mask on, but the media needs the drama. They can write stories about how he wasn’t wearing a mask or he finally did or they can use it to show the virus is the new Black Death.

That wasn’t good enough for Nessel who seems to think he’s Typhoid Mary.

“Anyone who has potentially been recently exposed, including the President of the United States, has not only a legal responsibility but also a social and moral responsibility, to take reasonable precautions to prevent further spread of the virus,” Nessel wrote.

So, there it is, according to her, he’s breaking the law, doesn’t care about others, and he’s immoral because he will use his judgment.

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