Americans are now witnessing neo-fascism in America under the guise of socialism. In nine days, you will see the uniting of private entities of the Left and government. Together they will control all facets of communication, the economy, education, and what we are allowed to see and hear.
It will be the most powerful force in the world.
The state cannot control media per se, but they will do it through their power over Big Tech and media and the other pillars of society.
It has not escaped my attention that the day social media companies decided there actually IS more they could do to police Trump’s destructive behavior was the same day they learned Democrats would chair all the congressional committees that oversee them.
— Jennifer Palmieri (@jmpalmieri) January 7, 2021
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Before nations are taken over by statists, they promote all extremes of free speech. They do it so they won’t be banned. When they have enough power, they ban free speech. People might want to keep this in mind. We currently have a situation where social medial bans the President of the United States, claiming he is dangerous, while allowing free reign to Chinese Communists, Iran, American communists, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other terrorist organizations.
Democrats are not interested in a free market, free speech, or freedom for the individual. They are collectivists. The collective will manipulate the rest of us and we must comply.
Massive private entities have exerted monopoly power and consolidated various industries, including the news industries while buying both Republicans and Democrats to pass legislation and treaties that export jobs and increase the transfer of wealth from the middle class to those at the top. The political class has sold out their constituents.
This is the natural course of events when anti-trust laws are not enforced and when a small handful of people control all the wealth and power. It is the way of the world and we are succumbing.
Democrats have become the party of Neo-Fascism. At the same time, they successfully portray their opponents as Fascists.
BLM and Antifa are like their Nazi brownshirts. The January 6th riot is their Reichstag fire.
While crushing small business, using the COV as an excuse, while allowing Walmarts and other big stores to operate, appears to have a purpose. Without small business, we don’t have capitalism and we don’t have a middle class.
Lie after lie, oppression, and fear, all from Democrats and compliant Republicans, yet Americans do not see.
The Middle Class, religion, individual freedom cannot survive in their world and they will destroy every bit of it. Capitalism, which has helped the greatest number of people out of poverty in all of history is their enemy. They want power and control
Here’s a brief lesson:
Much of what I wrote here came from denull, who phrased it better than I did.
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