A pastor who acted as a spiritual adviser to George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Kirbyjon H. Caldwell was sentenced to six years for cheating investors in a China bond deal. Maybe that explains the CCP love we see which has caused our leaders to choose Maoist China over President Trump.
The bonds, which had been issued by the former Republic of China before Mao Zedong’s Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949, were virtually worthless, prosecutors said. The current Chinese government does not recognize the bonds, and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission considers them collectibles with no value outside the memorabilia market, prosecutors said, according to the NY Times.
Today, there was a small fire near the Capitol. The Capitol was put in lockdown, Biden’s rehearsal was immediately canceled, and conspiracy theories have arisen which Democrats propagate to make the Right look bad.
That is our new normal. The Democrats have control of the culture, the narrative, and the hysteria.
The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Martin Ingall, in an article for American Thinker, titled, What we’re seeing in America was inevitable, explains how we got here
“What we’re seeing now is the culmination of more than 50 years of leftist attacks on America’s social and political fabric,” he writes.
“Public schools pump out millions of inculcated teens every year and universities graduate millions of brainwashed young adults every year. Then they enter society and the workforce. As a result, leftists now control the tools of culture — the media and entertainment and even big tech and sports — in addition to education.”
Then, Mr. Ingalls continues, “25 million and growing, illegal immigrants create a whole new constituency of soon-to-be-citizens. ”
There are so many who come in so quickly that they can’t assimilate.
As for the levers of government, consider that almost all of the 22,000,000 people employed by federal, state, and local government in the United States are Democrat voters, Ingalls adds.
Then there is the fact that most Republicans are RINOs who gave away the store.
Election fraud, yes there is election fraud. It was tried, tested, retried until we got here.
Democrats ruthlessly and brilliantly play the game and Republicans don’t. They’ve won, at least for now. Unfortunately, Democrat policies are so bad that they might destroy us before we can come back from this.
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