New Poll: Donald Trump Only Has 55% of the White Vote?


Remarkably, if you believe these polls, a CBS News poll has Kamala Harris beating Donald Trump. Trump has an 18% black vote and 47% Hispanic vote. The significant problem is that just 55% of the whites say they will vote for Donald Trump.

The poll over polled Democrats.

I should add here that I don’t believe this poll, but that is a personal opinion. Dennis Prager does believe the polls. He said liberals believe the Democrat Party is still the party of Truman and JFK>

55% of the white vote? that is an alarming number. According to this poll, Harris is getting 53% of the white female vote compared to 43% for Trump. White males are voting for Trump by 51% to 43% for Harris.

Trump got 24% of the black vote when Biden was the candidate. He did worse in a three-way race, and the third-party candidates took away from Donald Trump.

We might well be a Marxist communist nation in November. Harris’s honeymoon period has had time to calm down; these polls are only general barometers at best. However, it suggests that Donald Trump needs to change his campaign strategy.

We need a change, and it’s important we fight harder for Donald Trump.

New Polls:

According to this poll, a three-way race takes from Donald Trump.

Update: The Truth Social clip was added after publication.

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