NGO Scam $600M Every 3 Months As 324K Children Go Missing


The NGO scam must be stopped. They are paid exorbitant amounts of money to traffic people into this country, and they do it recklessly and heartlessly. They are traitors.

“I’d like to ask Mr. Carroll, anybody else would like to answer this? Can you name some of these NGOs that have specifically taken these hundreds of millions of dollars and not used to protect these children?”

“Catholic Charities, Youth and Family Services, Jewish Family Services.

“I spoke to a gentleman that works in DHS. He actually sends the electronic fund transfers. And I asked him, Sir, tell me who you were, who do you send? Who are you responsible for, and how much is the largest check you cut?

“He said, I’m over Jewish Family Services, and I cut a check for $600 million.

“And I said, is that for like three years,

“and he told me, JJ. Get in the game. That’s two or three months and is renewable.

Over 324,000 migrant children are missing. Biden-Harris are leaving children in the hands of sex traffickers. They have cancelled all safeguards and they don’t follow up.

Over 140,000 inadmissible aliens since FY 2025. The fiscal year began October 1, 2024.

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