Ominous News from the Collective on Upcoming Water Regulation


The Global Commission on the Economics of Water met on the week of March 20th and came out of it with a collective plan to change our relationship with water.  According to the UN, all water is now a common good. That certainly sounds like more regulations and more confiscation of property rights.

A handful of elites want power over US water. They’re looking for a “sea change.” The UN and this globalist group of elites will pretend we must act to prevent an emergency.

A horse barn on a beautiful river.

They have a “seven-point Call to Collective Action” to provide “a path that can be realized in the current decade.” The UN globalists want “to convert water from a growing global tragedy to an immense global opportunity: to bring a new direction to policies and collaboration, innovation and investment, and finance so that we conserve and use water more efficiently and ensure that everyone has access to the water they need.”

They want money.

This is all based on the fake climate change crisis. You must know by now that the climate crisis is not based on facts but rather on computer-based models and predictions.

What are they going to do? Overcharge us and send the money to dictators in foreign lands? Perhaps we’ll be told we can’t water our lawns without a costly surcharge. Maybe they will tell us we can only shower a couple of times a week. Will the elites tell people what they can do with water on their land?

What about farmers? They will likely get hit hard and our costs will increase. Farmers are a target of these globalist extremists.

Ships will be under strict control and transportation costs will rise. Then we will have to buy carbon offsets for using waterways.

The UN elites decided water is a common good, and Biden will undoubtedly sell us out to these people.

The report and 7-point plan: Turning-the-Tide-Report-Web

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