The State Department issued a fact sheet that provides evidence suggesting COVID-19 may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Laboratory (WIV) in China. Other information suggests it came from the other lab in Wuhan, the Shi lab.
In any case, if I put this on any of the social media sites, it would be taken down, and I’d be punished or permanently banned.
The fact sheet states that the Wuhan lab has ‘a published record of conducting “gain-of-function” research to engineer chimeric viruses.’
The stated further: But the WIV has not been transparent or consistent about its record of studying viruses most similar to the COVID-19 virus, including “RaTG13,” which was sampled from a cave in Yunnan Province in 2013 after several miners died of SARS-like illness.
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The State Department’s release correlates with the start of the World Health Organization (WHO) investigation of the origin of COVID-19 in Wuhan.
Fox News reports that The WHO sent ‘scientists to investigate the origins and spread of COVID-19, after months of back-and-forth discussions with Beijing.’
Also, China is being accused of deleting scientific papers and virus databases.
A truly extraordinary situation.
The lab working on SARS-like viruses in Wuhan has deleted 300 papers.
It previously deleted a database of 20,000 samples of bats, rats and viruses.
And WHO investigation team is still not allowed into the country.
— Matt Ridley (@mattwridley) January 11, 2021
The Left wouldn’t let anyone accuse the lab of doing any of this. The social media tyrants shut down all discussions and research. They wanted to blame DJT, period.
Independent Science published an article by Drs. Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson about the near relatives of COV-19, BtCoV/4991, and RaTG13. The authors expressed surprise that the “physical provenance” of COV-19’s nearest relatives has been ignored.
They wrote:
This neglect is surprising because their provenance is more than interesting. BtCoV/4991 and RaTG13 were collected from a mineshaft in Yunnan province, China, in 2012/2013 by researchers from the lab of Zheng-li Shi at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Very shortly before, in the spring of 2012, six miners working in the mine had contracted a mysterious illness, and three of them had died (Wu et al., 2014). The specifics of this mystery disease have been virtually forgotten; however, they are described in a Chinese Master’s thesis written in 2013 by a doctor who supervised their treatment.
The professors had the thesis translated into English. It leads to a possible route for the virus from 2012 to 2019.
The theory explains why the virus barely evolved until now, why it attacks the lungs, the exceptional affinity of the virus spike protein for human receptors, and more.
The authors write: We do not propose a specifically genetically engineered or biowarfare origin for the virus, but the theory does propose an essential causative role in the pandemic for scientific research carried out by the laboratory of Zheng-li Shi at the WIV; thus also explaining Wuhan as the location of the epicentre.
The Shi lab, which collected BtCoV/4991 and RaTG13, recently received grants to evaluate by experiment the potential for pandemic pathogenicity of the novel bat coronaviruses they collected from the wild.
“To add to these suggestive data points, there is a long history of accidents, disease outbreaks, and even pandemics resulting from lab accidents with viruses,” the authors state.
A lab outbreak is very plausible. To say it’s merely a conspiracy theory is absurd.
There is a lot of detail in the article which you should read, but this is the final statement with the thesis attached:
…the Shi lab, which has no interest in fungi but a great interest in SARS-like bat coronaviruses, also searched the Mojiang mine for bat viruses on four separate occasions between August 2012 and July 2013, even though the mine is a 1,000 Km from Wuhan (Ge et al., 2016). These collecting trips began while some of the miners were still hospitalised.
Fortunately, a detailed account of the miner’s diagnoses and treatments exists. It is found in a Master’s thesis written in Chinese in May 2013. Its suggestive English title is “The Analysis of 6 Patients with Severe Pneumonia Caused by Unknown viruses“.
The original English version of the abstract implicates a SARS-like coronavirus as the probable causative agent and that the mine “had a lot of bats and bats’ feces.”
The WHO needs to take a trip to the Shi lab and the Mojiang mine in addition to going to WIV, if the CCP allows it. That’s very questionable. In fact, we wonder how serious The Who is about getting to the origins of the virus.
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