Planned Parenthood Vermont Erases “Women,” Blasts “White Women”


Fox reported that Planned Parenthood Vermont has called for the elimination of the term “women,” who they now refer to as “people with uteruses.” They want to get rid of “feminine” and “female” as well. They are killing the concept of women for their ideology.

The buffoons hate the patriarchy but are now allowing men to pretend they’re women as they erase us.

Fox News Digital:

Planned Parenthood’s political arm in Vermont called for eliminating the term “women” from its “healthcare” advocacy. 

Fox News Digital found that on numerous occasions, the Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund peddled narratives on social media that blasted “White women” or called for gender-neutral language that would exclude terms such as “feminine,” “women,” and “female.”

“Access to abortion is an intersectional issue,” a video on the action fund’s TikTok said. “Our language needs to acknowledge those intersections.”

It also referred to women as “people with uteruses.” …

…The Vermont Action Fund posted a video on TikTok blasting “White women” who are not the “right voices” for the annual Women’s March. “Please leave the pussyhat at home,” the caption said.

This is evil and bizarre. Start recognizing these people for what they are. It didn’t stop there, either. Read the article for more information.

Planned Parenthood is an evil organization, and there are no limits to how far it will go. When people regale the ending of a baby’s life only inches from birth, those people are capable of anything. As far as Democrats being the party of women, how can they be, given their dehumanization of the gender, insisting men can be women who can also take their wins in sports?

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