Really Rich and Famous on List in Sarah Lawrence Sex Cult Case


The Sarah Lawrence sex cult case is becoming more explosive. During the trial of a father accused of running the alleged sex cult out of his daughter’s college dorm room in Westchester County, federal prosecutors accidentally released a list of 121 former clients tied to the operation.

The accused human trafficker Lawrence Grecco is already sending shock waves through high society in New York City.

Grecco, aka Larry Ray, a con artist, is accused by federal prosecutors of sex trafficking, forced labor, and extortion that occurred in New York and North Carolina over a ten-year period, beginning in 2010.

Federal authorities said the man targeted his daughter’s friends and subjected them to physical abuse and sexual and psychological manipulation.


Among the clients listed in the report that leaked to reporters were a former New York State Supreme Court judge, high-profile lawyers, hedge fund managers, businessmen, an Ivy-League architecture professor, a hedge fund manager who has donated millions to charity and has his name on a museum building in New York, a Washington DC lobbyist who has worked for a foreign resistance movement, and an international diamond dealer. Also on the list is an executive at the Metropolitan Transit Authority, an account executive at Amazon.

According to the Daily Mail, the list was compiled and included in an email by former Sarah Lawrence student Claudia Drury, now age 31, who has been testifying and giving evidence against Ray, whom she alleges coerced her into becoming a prostitute.

“Per order of the Court, government exhibit #3217 (GX 3217) was admitted under seal,” a spokesman for the Department of Justice wrote in an email after the leak.

“This file was inadvertently loaded to the US v. Ray file share. Please do not reproduce, share, or use this exhibit in any way, if you have downloaded this file, please delete it.”

The trial has been delayed a couple of times due to Ray’s health emergencies.

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