Report: China’s preparing to attack Taiwan, Taiwan will ‘fight to the end’


“China sent more fighter jets into Taiwan’s air defense zone on Wednesday in a stepped-up show of force around the island Beijing claims as its own, and Taiwan’s foreign minister said it would fight to the end if China attacks,” according to Reuters.

Taiwan is a democracy, self-ruled. They have complained of recent, intense military activities by Beijing.

Taiwan’s foreign minister on Wednesday said the island will defend itself “to the very last day” if attacked by China.

The Biden administration has concluded that China “is flirting with the idea of seizing control of Taiwan as President Xi Jinping becomes more willing to take risks to boost his legacy,” the Financial Times reports.

An invasion of Taiwan, the self-governed island claimed by Beijing, would force the U.S. to decide whether to go to war with China to defend an implicit ally, Axios reports.


The Epoch Times reported that the Chinese regime’s recent activities in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait have greatly increased and its internal activities signal that they are prepared for an attack on Taiwan.

On March 23, U.S. Adm. John Aquilino said during a hearing over his nomination to become commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) that the CCP could attack Taiwan much earlier than what most people expect.

The United States is supposed to support Taiwan and that would bring us into a very violent confrontation with China. And we have a complete idiot as president.

The CCP didn’t dare do it while Donald Trump was in office.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been making final preparations against Taiwan over the past two years.

Chinese fighter jets frequently enter Taiwan’s air space and an aircraft carrier battle group entered the Miyaok Strait between Okinawa and Japan’s mainland. It will allow the battle group to control Okinawa and to defend the mainland from Japan and the U.S. army.

There are other indications reported at The Epoch Times.


‘In public speeches, Xi stated that one of the signs of the re-emergence of the Chinese nation is the reunification of Taiwan. In his view, even if China becomes a dominant power as the second-largest economy and becomes a world power, without Taiwan unified into China, the CCP cannot be regarded as a success. In the eyes of second-generation Party leaders like Xi Jinping, Mao Zedong’s legacy was seizing the power of China and Deng Xiaoping’s legacy was leading China into a track of rapid economic growth. The legacy of the third generation must be to unify China. If Taiwan is not reunified with China, the legitimacy and historical status of the third generation of CCP leaders is at risk.’

China also sees a narrowing window of opportunity that closes in a couple of years.

‘China may lose the opportunity to control Taiwan if the following events occur: mainland China’s economic growth slows down; China’s military technology development begins to lag; China is contained by the United States and its allies such as Japan, South Korea, India, and Australia,’ writes Alexander Liao, a columnist, and journalist in research on Intern.

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