Report claims President Trump notably angry with VP Pence


In a report from Axios, White House sources allegedly say that President Trump is notably angry with many of his supposed “allies” who are not fighting the good fight to defend election integrity, most notably Vice President Pence.

Keep in mind, these are anonymous sources speaking with a very left-wing publication.

Axios reports further:

A source who spoke to Trump said the president was complaining about Pence and brought up a Lincoln Project ad that claims that Pence is “backing away” from Trump. This ad has clearly got inside Trump’s head, the source said.

    • Trump views Pence as not fighting hard enough for him — the same complaint he uses against virtually everybody who works for him and has been loyal to him.

Pence’s role on Jan. 6 has begun to loom large in Trump’s mind, according to people who’ve discussed the matter with him.

    • Trump would view Pence performing his constitutional duty — and validating the election result — as the ultimate betrayal.

However, Vice President Michael Pence said at the Turning Point USA conference that he won’t stop fighting until every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is thrown out.

He doesn’t sound like he’s bailing on the President:

Whether that means he won’t validate the election, we can’t say. However, if there is no reason not to, what choice does he have?

His tweets sound very supportive. Take this one encouraging the President to stay in the fight for election integrity:

If you see ‘Pence Card’ trending, this is what they are talking about.

President Trump believes they are slow-walking the signature verifications in Georgia because they don’t want the results out by January 6. That’s his opinion, but who knows.

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