The New York Post published a report exposing Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin’s potentially shady financial dealings. Baldwin once opposed questionable relationships between Wall Street and the government. However, that was three years before she started dating a Wall Streeter.
Baldwin co-owns a $1.3 million DC penthouse condo with her partner, Wall Street private wealth management adviser Maria Brisbane. Still, she hasn’t included any of their jointly owned assets on her financial disclosure reports, although she did report the assets of her previous partner.
Brisbane has never appeared on the senator’s reports. Since they aren’t married, she doesn’t have to disclose.
Brisbane won’t divulge her client lists or explain why they don’t present a conflict of interest with Baldwin’s role.
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The problem arises because Brisbane focuses on investing in small biotechnology companies. Sen. Baldwin lobbies hard to expand US investment in biotechnology. She also chairs the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, which manages National Institutes for Health funds.
Baldwin pushed for a $49 million investment by the US government in biotechnology for Wisconsin in July. The biotechnology companies praised her for it.
Senator Baldwin is currently up for reelection and faces Republican businessman Eric Hovde. Democrats continually bash him for his wealth and attack him because his bank has foreign investors.