The following is the Corner Post Supreme Court ruling. Companies affected by federal agency rules can count the statute of limitations [six years] from the time they are affected by it, not from the time it was issued.
TL;DR: Companies that weren’t established at the time an agency rule was announced can still challenge them, Barrett wrote for the court, opening old rules up to potentially never-ending legal challenges.
— Katie Buehler (@bykatiebuehler) July 1, 2024
Ketanje, who doesn’t know what a woman is, dissented, saying it opens up the government to endless lawsuits. [Perhaps the federal government should stop passing so many rules that people can’t possibly know they are violating them. Maybe they should be made to remove some.]
The thing the ‘liberal’ Justices don’t like is it is a ruling against the deep state, aka unaccountable bureaucrats.
Justice Jackson is reading her dissent from the bench. She, joined by Sotomayor & Kagan, argues the majority’s ruling is “flawed,” “baseless” and will have “staggering,” “far-reaching results.”
— Katie Buehler (@bykatiebuehler) July 1, 2024
(2/5) We are glad the Supreme Court overturned the Eight Circuit’s decision, which absurdly required Corner Post to have taken legal action before it was even founded, or alternatively suffer harm because the business came into being after the limitation period ran.
— New Civil Liberties Alliance (@NCLAlegal) July 1, 2024
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