‘Social Justice’ Is Now Part of Our Everyday Vernacular, We’ve Defined It in a Nutshell!

What is Social Justice? It’s communism and it leads to tyranny.

Anything can be sold under the guise of humanitarianism or freedom. As Orwell himself recognized, even slavery could be sold if labeled “freedom.” In this vein, who could ever oppose social justice? A just society where all share equally in the fruits of this earth is the ultimate justice or is it?

The far-left Democrat Party has made social justice part of our everyday speech and we are supposed to not only accept it, but embrace it. We’re racist or hateful if we don’t. The term is deliberately left vague and begs a definition which the left doesn’t want you to have because you would never buy in.

‘Social Justice’ is communism.

What it is in fact is economic equality for all, regardless of their efforts to earn it. In a so-called socially just society, the government collects the money and then distributes it evenly to all. As Karl Marx said, all that people earn is done so on the backs of the less fortunate and it needs to be taken from the productive and spread around to the non-productive.

Money is a “collective product” according to Marx’s doctrine expressed in The Communist Manifesto. The earning of money and acquiring of private property is the result of “the united action of all members of society.” You didn’t build that!

Therefore, it’s about the end result, equity, not equality, and the government has to make sure the end result is “equal” for all. Marx used that concept to demonize the rich and make the false claim that the rich devised Capitalism to support the rich on the backs of those who aren’t.

From this, comes the idea of a living wage for all and visions of outrageously high minimum wages. Workers can never be compensated appropriately for their labors unless everyone has the same amount of money at the end in the views of social justice warriors.

Marxists believe Capitalists never pay workers enough. Marx himself said that every penny they make goes back to the rich for housing, food, and so on.

Marx said, “No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker,…” Therefore, the workers, by Capitalist design, can never make enough.

Consequently, Marx held that workers can also never make enough money to acquire private property under the capitalist system.

Social justice removes this [fake] inequality and it is now extended to everything from the environment to education to housing to healthcare to the criminal justice system and it always makes minorities into one of the preferred classes. Identity politics makes people believers in this flawed, illogical view of justice.

Thus the term ‘social’ for Marxists, means certain classes of society and ‘justice’ means economic equality. This is the communist utopia, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

The goal is accomplished through wealth redistribution – theft – from those who hold any wealth. That’s why Obama issued the Furthering Fair Housing Act – to distribute the benefits that come with living in a nicer neighborhood. Under his plan – it doesn’t matter if people are here illegally or if they are drug addicts or if they are criminals – they must all share in the productivity of others.

Karl Marx lived in the mid-1800s when workers were dying from polluted factory emissions and many lived in deplorable conditions. Today’s communists think they are just as oppressed, equally downtrodden.

Marx’s ideology grew at a time of political absolutism when kings still ruled. Out of that tyranny came the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution. But now, people are telling us government has the power to imprison, fine, harass those who disagree with those in power over speech, religion, property rights and so on.

The new religion is to have no religion but that of the leftist ideals and there is no god but government. It is totalitarianism or collectivism. From this we get ‘social justice’.

‘Social justice’ is the theory that implies and justifies the practice of socialism. Socialism is domination by the State.

Bernie Sanders makes much of the difference between Democratic Socialism  and Socialism and Communism, but the only difference is people can vote for their corrupt oppressors under Democratic Socialism. We see how it has worked in Venezuela.

Basically, socialism and communism are almost the same thing. The philosophical differences are meaningless. They end up in the same place.

Marx’s ideology has no relevance in modern society except in the minds of the ideologically-driven. Marx couldn’t have envisioned the middle class or small businesses of today. His mantra of social engineering no longer applies.

Perceived and invented wrongs are being used by the leftists to continue the false promises of communism. The only people who don’t achieve under a Capitalist system are the handicapped who we help or the ones who choose to not be productive citizens.

Leftists will tell you Marx is a prophet who set out a philosophical framework for human liberation from the shackles of injustice and exploitation in this world. Some believe that but most simply want power, money, and no dissent, and they want it at all costs. If they don’t want it, the absolute power that inevitably comes from statism will corrupt them.

Social Justice is the soul of globalism and climate change justice which will orchestrate the redistribution of U.S. wealth throughout the world.

Social justice is the opposite of capitalism. We are not talking about crony capitalism which is corrupt government or crony socialism, we are talking about limited government and freedom – true capitalism. The opposite of this is totalitarianism, the absolute tyranny of government. We see it unfolding in California and other once-free states.

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