The Who’s Trans Guidelines Are Mostly by Activists & Lawyers


As the CCP-controlled World Health Organization (WHO) prepares to present a totalitarian Pandemic Treaty for the world, The Daily Mail reports that their transgender health committee members have no medical background, and most are gender activists and human rights lawyers.

They called for the removal of mental health evaluations and barriers to medical care.

One of the panelists is a controversial Canadian trans-TikToker who believes puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children, regardless of their gender identity, so they can ‘choose’ their gender rather than being assigned one by society.

That’s insane, of course.

Last month, the WHO published the biographies of 21 experts invited to help formulate guidelines that will shape how countries treat gender dysphoria.

Of the 21-member panel who have been invited to help formulate guidelines that will shape how countries treat gender dysphoria, 11 have no formal medical training.

Seven are trans themselves, ten have a medical background, and eight are doctors.

The rest are a mixture of activists, social justice advocates, human rights lawyers, STD researchers, and policy advisors.

Screengrab of Floence Ashely

There are no opposing opinions because they had one outcome in mind. You can be sure that China will never let their people go the transitioning route.

Several are also members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a nonprofit dedicated to promoting medical treatments for gender dysphoria, which has been accused of being too pro-medication.

The health researchers who qualified to join the panel have training in the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS with little emphasis on the parameters of delivering transition services known as gender-affirming care.

Florence Ashley Shouldn’t Be Anywhere Near Guidelines, Especially of a Global Health Org.

Florence Ashley – a trans woman who uses the pronouns they/them that b****’ – is the  most controversial and outspoken member.

They have a significant TikTok following where they express hardline views on trans issues, calling for mental health checks on trans children to be scrapped before they are given puberty blockers and hormone drugs.

Ashley said on TikTok recently when discussing an academic paper they co-authored on the subject: ‘Is there any reason to ask people to go through a lengthy and complex gender assessment in order to access gender-affirming care, or is that useless and should the time best be put in supporting decision-making.

“And what our article concludes is that there’s really no evidence that gender assessments work… it’s just a lengthier process for no real reason.”

Lifesite News says Alberta law professor and LGBT activist Florence Ashley believes that “unbounded social transition and ready access to puberty blockers ought to be treated as the default option.”

Ashley is on the committee to establish guidelines for The WHO.

“The guideline will focus in five areas: provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones; health workers education and training for the provision of gender-inclusive care; provision of health care for trans and gender diverse people who suffered interpersonal violence based in their needs; health policies that support gender-inclusive care, and legal recognition of self-determined gender identity,” WHO said in a press release. 

Ashley advocates for political violence.

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