“Troubled” Caroline Biden, Arraigned Day After the Prez Election, Gets DUI Wrist Slap


Joe Biden’s niece Caroline Biden pleaded guilty to DUI on Dec. 3 — and was sentenced to 20 days to six months of “confinement,” Pennsylvania court records said.

Biden, 33, won’t see a day behind bars. Instead of jail, she got five-plus months of probation, with 20 days of rehab in January counted toward her sentence, the NY Post reports.

The walk-free plea continues a long Biden family tradition of avoiding jail time. A Post investigation in July found at least eight other busts of Bidens resulted in wrist slaps.

Caroline’s latest arrest, which was never made public, is at least the ninth among Joe Biden’s close family and followed incidents involving his brother Frank, his son Hunter and his daughter Ashley. The cases — ranging from felony theft to drug possession — were all either thrown out or resulted in light sentences with no jail time.

Caroline Biden, daughter of James Biden, was busted in Lower Merion Township, Pa., in August 2019 after slamming her car into a tree. Arresting officer Jeffrey Seamans noted Biden, who was driving without a license, “had difficulty focusing on the conversation” during questioning.

Her car contained pill bottles for carisoprodol and lorazepam, both of which are controlled substances. A blood test later confirmed those and other drugs were in her system at the time of the crash.

While Joe Biden campaigned for president, this case took some 16 months to crawl through the Pennsylvania courts. Luckily for Uncle Joe, Caroline’s arraignment was held on Nov 4 —one day after the presidential election.   How convenient!

While the DUI may have been Caroline Biden’s first offense in Pennsylvania, her New York rap sheet includes dropping more than $110,000 on a stolen credit card and allegedly assaulting an NYPD officer.

In the DUI case, Biden was also ordered to pony up $1,990 in fines and legal costs and “participate in a public or nonprofit community service program for 12 hours.” Her license was suspended for a year, and she will be compelled to participate in a drug and alcohol awareness program.

That’ll teach her.

Caroline Biden’s father James has also recently come under suspicion for his dubious dealings with the Pennsylvania hospital chain Americore. One of its hospitals in Ellwood City, Pa., was raided by the FBI in January, Politico reported. James Biden —along with President-elect Joe Biden — was also connected to Chinese energy giant CEFC, through emails obtained from a laptop owned by Caroline’s cousin, Hunter Biden.

Can anyone remember a recent presidential candidate whose family was more tainted than Joe Biden’s?  How many in that corrupt clan could honestly be counted on to be clean, sober, and not a national security risk?

Bet the Chinese Communists know the answer to that question.

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