Unhinged! Calls Trump a dictator, who would kill people, jail them, suppress journalists


The Marxist former president Barack Obama is completely unhinged. He is calling Donald Trump a dictator of the type who thinks he can kill people, throw them in jail, suppress journalists.

When did the President ever do these things? Who did he jail? Who did he kill?

It is Barack Obama who suppressed journalism. It is Obama who droned people. He is a typical communist who does these things himself and blames the other person.

Obama and Hillary are the ones who let the men of Benghazi die. Obama, Biden, Hillary started a completely unnecessary war with Libya.

Obama spied on journalists, on the Trump campaign, and spent four years falsely claiming Trump was in bed with the Russians while he knew it wasn’t the case.


Reporter James Risen said that Obama is “the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation.” The administration in 2014 wanted to control the flow of information and attempted to limit the Shield Law with a tight government-controlled definition of a journalist.

Politico called him the “puppet master” in 2014 and the Times also complained.

The Obama White House has bullied and threatened the press, even using the power of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to silence them.

Mr. Obama’s DOJ has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all the presidents since FDR combined. DOJ Eric Holder has prosecuted our own CIA officials, lawyers in the Bush administration, and whistleblowers as spies, making no distinction between speaking with reporters and spying on our government.

Lanny Davis, a serious liberal, wrote something in The Washington Times that displeased the Obama Administration. John Solomon, the editor at the Washington Times, received a phone call threatening to remove the newspaper’s White House credentials unless Lanny Davis’ column was discontinued.”


Others were threatened, including the White House press corps. “This is a warning shot over the bow of the White House press corps. ‘Don’t screw with us. Look what we are doing to your God, Woodward. Imagine what we’ll do to you.’”

The White House tried to bully Fox News into not reporting on Benghazi according to Greta Van Susteren writing in a post on her website  Gretawire:

After Benghazi on 9/11/2012, the Obama administration tried very hard to discourage Fox News Channel from reporting on it.  The effort was obstruction – pure and simple.

They tried to prevent the truth from coming out and the Administration tried just about everything to discourage Fox from investigating and reporting.

All the American people wanted, and all I ever wanted, was just the facts – why did 4 Americans die?  What happened?

At the time, Obama was taking employees from the media and putting them in the White House. he strategically helped place his departing staff in the various media outlets.

He’s one nasty person:

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