VP Vance Obliterates Mad Brennan’s Attempts at Disinformation


Vice President JD Vance tore into CBS journalist Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation. She wants those unvetted Afghan refugees in the country. She tried to interrupt and contradict him but got nowhere.

In his first interview since taking office, Vance, 40, spoke to the ‘Face the Nation’ host about President Donald Trump’s slew of executive orders, including ending the country’s refugee program.

Brennan tried to say they were all vetted well. He brought up the Oklahoma Afghan who plotted an election-day terror attack.

“I don’t really care, Margaret. I don’t want that person in my country and I think most Americans agree with me.”  Vance said.

Brennan reminded him of his words that “we shouldn’t abandon anybody who’s been properly vetted and actually helped us.” Vance immediately clarified his stance.

“Well, Margaret, I don’t agree that all these immigrants or all these refugees have been properly vetted. In fact, we know that there are cases of people who allegedly were properly vetted and then were literally planning terrorist attacks on our country,” he said.

“That happened during the campaign if you remember, so clearly not all these foreign nationals have been properly vetted,” he added, referring to Afghan national Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, of Oklahoma City, who confessed to investigators that he had planned his attack to coincide with election day.

“No, but there are 30,000 people in the pipeline – Afghan refugees. Do you stand by it?” Brennan responded.

“But my primary concern as vice president, Margaret, is to look after the American people, and now that we know we have vetting problems with a lot of these refugee programs, we absolutely cannot unleash thousands of unvetted people into our country,” Vance said.

“These people are vetted. These people are vetted,” the reporter added.

“Just like the guy who planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago? He was allegedly properly vetted,” Vance said, adding that “many people in the media and the Democratic party said he was properly vetted,” but “clearly he wasn’t.”

While Brennan tried to get some words in, Vance continued to obliterate her.

Watch, there is a lot more:

Vance has done this to all of these talking heads. Soon, they will ban him from their shows if they can.

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