Weird Tim Walz Repeatedly Lied About His DWI


Gov. Tim Walz drove drunk at the age of 31 years in 1995. It wasn’t just the drunk driving; it was the constant lying about it. A story by Andrew Kaczynski at CNN describes his history of lying about the story. In 2006, it was to help his political campaign.

Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz attends the rally in Liacouras Center at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA on August 6, 2024 as he was introduced by Vice President Kamala Harris as running mate

As court records show, Walz took a plea deal, pleading guilty to reckless driving. In a court hearing in March 1996, Walz admitted that he had been drinking and driving. His lawyer said he’d used the incident to educate his students on the perils of drinking and driving.

In court, Walz’s defense attorney said that when the state trooper started following him, Walz believed someone was chasing him and sped up out of fear until the trooper turned on his police lights.

Walz in 1995. He was a teacher at the time.

By 2006, his campaign repeatedly lied for him and said he was not drinking that night. Walz claimed to have a hearing loss and couldn’t understand what the officer said.

He said the charges were dropped because it wasn’t true, records show.

It was dropped because he claimed he was hard of hearing from his years in the National Guard. In fact, the judge scolded the officer for not knowing about Walz’s hearing problem.

In 2018, Walz offered a markedly different version of events when running for governor. He said he had been drinking and driving.

According to Walz, the arrest was life-changing, motivating him to change his behavior. He said he has since given up alcohol, and his go-to drink is now Diet Mountain Dew.

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