What We Know About Paul Pelosi’s Deranged Attacker


Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, was assaulted with a hammer early Friday inside his San Francisco home by an attacker identified by police as David DePape.  Mr. Pelosi had a hammer, and the man later grabbed it. According to Fox News, just before he attacked Paul Pelosi, 82, he shouted, “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?”

DePape, 42, is now facing charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary, and several other additional felonies stemming from the incident after 2 a.m.

Scott said police responded to a well-being check and found DePape and Paul Pelosi, 82, struggling over a hammer. He said officers then witnessed DePape pull the hammer away from Pelosi and “violently assaulted” him.

DePape is homeless and might have tried to burglarize the residence.

Officers tackled DePape, disarmed him, and took him into custody while requesting emergency backup and rendering medical aid at the scene. The motive for the attack remains under investigation.

Why didn’t they shoot him?

Another oddity, DePape was in his underwear at the time.


DePape’s name is tied to two conspiracy blogs. One, titled “Big Brother Censorship Hell,” features banner warning readers that “The elites/ruling class never censor themselves. You can still turn on any mainstream news channel to hear day and night the narrative put forth by the people who rule you.”

Although the posts written under the username “daviddepape” are mostly blank, they feature bizarre headlines, including “Pedophile normalization” and “Communist Voodoo science.”

The first post on the site was created in June 2007, though it was most recently updated in August 2022.

The second blog, frenlyfrens.com, hosts more detailed posts under categories like “Climate hysteria” and “Corruption.” Several of the posts espouse anti-Semitic conspiracies, including one that reads, “Isn’t their [sic] a trope about Jews ABUSING the courts to rip people off.”

While it is unclear if DePape — who has been described as living in storage units — himself authored these blogs, relatives, and acquaintances confirmed to CNN that he frequently shared conspiracies on Facebook and seemed “out of touch with reality.”

DePape’s Facebook page, which has since been removed, featured dozens of posts riddled with false information about the COVID pandemic, the 2020 election, and the Jan. 6, 2021, riot on the Capitol.

DePape is being booked on attempted homicide, elderly abuse, burglary, and other charges, Scott said.

An older picture of DePape, a Canadian-born resident of Berkeley, emerged alongside a prominent Berkeley nudist activist with whom he has children.

In addition to several transphobic posts, DePape disseminated website links falsely claiming that COVID vaccines were deadly.


Some of his posts referred to former President Donald Trump. “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle. So Q/Trump sabotaged their child trafficking operations. #2 self inflicted wound. Trumps covert id or a Deep state mole? Was Q refering to this? Did Q do this? another video,” he wrote, referring to QAnon.


I’ll go out on a limb here and say he sounds paranoid and perhaps psychotic, as in paranoid schizophrenic. Democrats will paint him as a Republican while they themselves don’t bother to enforce the laws. They will try to use it to silence speech or win elections. Their energies would be better spent figuring out how to get these very sick people the help they need.


Nancy Pelosi’s husband, 82-year-old Paul Pelosi, underwent successful surgery to repair a fractured skull on Friday, according to a statement from the House Speaker’s office. This comes following an early morning violent attack with a hammer-wielding suspect who police believe targeted their San Francisco home.

The full statement reads:

“Earlier this morning, Paul Pelosi was attacked at home by an assailant who acted with force and threatened his life while demanding to see the Speaker. Mr. Pelosi was admitted to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, where he underwent successful surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands. His doctors expect a full recovery. The Speaker and her family are thankful for the outpouring of support and prayers from friends, constituents, and people around the country. The Pelosi family is immensely grateful to Mr. Pelosi’s entire medical team and the law enforcement officers who responded to the assault. The family appreciates respect for their privacy during this time.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was not home nor in the city at the time of the attack.

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