$380,000,000 More Tax $$$ for the Needs of Illegal Foreigners


The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security is releasing another $380 million to care for illegal foreigners. These are tax dollars in a country going broke. They won’t be deported. These anonymous, unvetted future Democrats will be settled, probably in poverty and on lifelong welfare.

Today [August 28], the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), announced the allocation of over $380 million through the Shelter and Services Program (SSP).

Through the SSP, DHS directly supports communities that are providing critical support such as food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, and transportation to noncitizens recently released from DHS custody and awaiting their immigration court proceedings. FEMA, in coordination with CBP, is administering these SSP grants with state, local and tribal governments as well as nongovernmental organizations to help prevent the overcrowding of short-term CBP holding facilities. This funding augments the $259.13 million in SSP grants that DHS distributed in April 2024.

Grants are given to the following:
  • Local governments
  • Indian Tribes
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • U.S. states, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia

NGOs include Catholic Charities, NIAS, and open borders groups, some of them controlled by foreigners. You should know that MS-13 and Antifa control some shelters in New York City.

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