60 Minutes Interviews Tim Walz on Being a “Knucklehead”


Tim Walz claimed on “60 Minutes” that the paid family and medical leave program he signed was “promoted by the business community.” Alpha News reports: The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce says Walz “received thousands of letters from businesses in every corner of the state, urging him to reconsider the one-size-fits-all mandate.”

That program has cost $628 million more than expected in three years. All these freebies are handed down to taxpayers.

The report, commissioned by Minnesota’s Department of Employment and Economic Development and conducted by Milliman, found Minnesota’s paid family leave program will cost $628 million more than state officials estimated during the legislative session. The PFML tax will be 31% higher than expected in year two.

Over the first three years, the Milliman report estimates total PFML expenses at $4.4 billion.

Watch [He’s a pathological knucklehead]:

Tim Walz keeps lying about being in China during the Tiananmen Square massacre. Now, he claims, “I think people know who I am. I think they know the difference between someone expressing emotion, telling your story, getting a date wrong by a, you know, rather than a pathological liar like Donald Trump.”

Uh, the date was off by months and months. Gee, you’d think he’d remember Tiananmen Square.


Knucklehead can’t survive a fact-check but wants to be a hair’s breadth from the presidency.

In case you missed Word Salad Kamala’s interview, she is relying on the evil rich people trope to avoid answering questions. The truth is she is going to tax the Hell out of those teachers, and firefighters, and nurses.

What you should expect from Kamala taxes:

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